Dear chatters,
I was urged to reply to this post by a good chatter.
IMHO It’s pure bluff. It’s my guess that Div will (if Div hasn’t done already) resurface as a new name because Div probably knows there is nothing as good as JC anywhere in the world. That’s why we have the Americans God Bless Them. And bless you Div.
What’s disturbing though is Div’s apparent utter contempt for the JC community. In essence Div’s message says ‘fuck you i’m gone -join me if you want’. It’s very trumpian in nature actually. It’s coded…’will know how to find me if they want to’. And I thought Qanon was dead.
Please put up your new home Div and we’ll all join you if your new pad is better than JC.
I say bring on the anarchy, the weirdos and especially the fantasists. We have those already in spades in the membership and more in the pipeline. Even the new psuedo-trolls are making for excellent sport after the vile spammers have been recently exterminated. But we also have the fathers of the house, such as guru who challenges us and is part of the backbone of a strong JC society. I especially wish guru all the best in his job hunt.
What we don’t need though is contempt for each other. I would put interpersonal contempt into the same category as racism. And if anyone feels I have shown contempt toward them, then I unreservedly apologise. Enough said.
Div quotes Evelyn Hall.
I’ll quote the Donald.
‘We’re gonna walk down to the Capitol, and I’ll be there with you’
Cooldandywarhol signing off.