When I started this whole genre of tRump bashing, I suppose I had three objectives in mind
To see him lose power in 2020
To see him in an orange jump suit as a lesson to others
To watch ‘forever tRumpers’ convert back to normal people and realise the error of their ways.
Piece by piece, its happening.
My personal motivation was the belief that the USA IS the biggest and most powerful democracy in the world. If the tenets of democracy start to be eroded, then China and Russia win.
Whilst I applaud your sympathy ros, I have to ask you what displays more madness, the 18 year old who killed the kids or the state of Texas who allowed the 18 year old to buy an assault rifle and ammunition with no questions asked?
You see, and as it’s been generally agreed with in here, the UK does not have a gun culture. By comparison, the USA does have a gun culture. Ergo, it makes sense that the police forces should reflect this culture. I fear that if our British community police were to become armed with handguns then the level of gun ownership gun violence and gun killings would increase.
Unfortunately, the police find it increasing necessary to go on armed patrols in the areas of gang violence where gang members might be armed. If we didn’t have armed violent gangs and if we didn’t have terrorism then the level of armed police would be low but that doesn’t mean we all have to go out and buy guns to keep us all safe.
I note that my mate puds has dodged practically every question about the level of guns related to gun violence in this thread, preferring to respond to irrelevant trivia or just insult his way out of a corner because he has nothing else to base his arguments on.
Rock on puds, your country has a gun culture and will never change. My country hasn’t and hopefully never will.
I hope you enjoy your boy tRump being exterminated over the next few weeks ( sorry, couldn’t resist).
I wonder what side of the law drac and somer live on. The only time I’ve had a chat with the police was when a lawnmower was stolen down my road and they called to see if I’d heard anything. Very respectful she was.
I happen to respect our police and especially the fact that community police to not carry guns. The tazer doctrine was imported from guess where?, but I’d rather they have that than a handgun. The truncheons they’ve been carrying for hundreds of years can probably do more damage to a skull. They are trying to keep themselves AND US safe from the real criminals who seek to do us harm. A distant relative goes on solo night response to boozy town centres because the police can’t afford to double up. Respect to him.
I have NOTHING to be afraid of from the British police. Sure they fuck up such as the Jean Charles de Menezes case. Terrorism causes mistakes everywhere. Would anyone like to do the the statistical research about comparing justified and unjustified killings by normally unarmed and normally armed police forces?, instead of bitching and moaning because of your paranoia about life.
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by cooldandywarhol.