Rodge lad, after spending some significant time (5 minutes 38 seconds) in decoding your version of english I conclude that you’re asking if the ‘devil’ is a pyromaniac and responsible for the european forest fires as proposed by your aquaintances at your local Salvation Army.
You know what mate……this is disturbing on so many levels.
I think you need a good holiday ( and a good shag/wank to paraphrase Linda’s answer to all our problems).
Jeeez rodge, whatever made you ressurect this thread? Your (and the) last ‘contribution’ was over NINE months ago. Do you get off digging stuff up from the graveyard?
Andy pandy not or will ever submit or bow down to u..i dont squirm, wiggle or snake on ground like u do. Go fly a kite. Take medications and please please get laid.. you need medication
Linda’s mind is so befuddled, she doesn’t realise I’m supporting women’s rights in her own country – unless she endorses rapists seeing their forcibly inseminated being babies born.
Was that an honourable supreme court decision Linda? Do you think tRump’s court represents the views of your own population Linda?
Seems to me that your idol has left a pile of utter shite behind him but at least he can call on the rapist demographic to vote for him if he runs again…..
When tRump is formally certified as insane, the scholars and lawyers will have a pow wow and conclude that the tRump court can be dissolved and all of it’s rulings be rescinded based on it’s political bias and lack of independence to fight for the people.
Women’s rights will be re-instated – not those of rapists and incestuous fathers.
Guns, rapist babies, divisive politics – some culture eh? …..what a fucking mess.
This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by cooldandywarhol.
Ahhhh…Linda and puds lad never fail to bite like a couple of hungry trout.
You’re both beyond conversion. You have a twisted regard of the truth and indeed of life based on the murdoch media you drown yourself in. In that regard, you’re just as brainwashed as the cowardly russians who watch their state tv and refuse to think their leader can lie.
Be it murderous russians or zombie trumpers…’re all the fucking same.