you are not alone in thinking Yukon is british, I sussed that out a long time ago but no one would agree with me and I have my suspicions about who he really is……… lots of his words are English and most of his sentences are deff not American or Canadian. I also think he is in 40s quite a lot with his other nik and picking up info on the regular chatters.
I have a lovely Tiara Ugo could borrow. it was really for a bridesmaid but im sure he would look ever so sweet with it on his ( bald ?) head, erhem, maybe not. :shock: :shock: :shock:
ok, its been 15 hours , I cant stand the stress anymore, maybe a reward for a sighting would be good……. they must be up by now !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: