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  • #306934

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    hey Poli, Happy Birthday for yesterday hun xxxxx


    Durty git !!


    All the best TT and 2 n 8, hope all goes well in the future . xxxxx


    I am truly impressed with ur writing Scribe, so much badness on the boards sometimes. I couldnt open ur music site but thats probably because I have a pc thats older than me.
    Take care and I hope u continue to enjoy JC. xxxx


    Please keep up Pats. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Mark and Stephi, my heart goes out to you. xxxx


    omg, I think he has been wearing wellies cos he has a ring around his knees, deff a swinger !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    im voting for oor Mercury !!!! why is he not on the list, do you know anyone Kate ?

    I couldnt honestly say Rott aka Dagger has a nice, good or even a human personality and im sure many would agree.


    awwww, she looks just like her mum…. best wishes for a happy future Mark and Stephi and well done xxxx

Viewing 10 posts - 251 through 260 (of 361 total)