Chronicle replied to the topic feeling nothing in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 8 months ago
Cherriepie that was a lovely poem every post you put up astounds me with your grace humour and you can tell you have real empathy for other people’s feelings.
Miss Diva i have left you a message, i hope you dont mind this because of my job i think i can help you and say things i couldnt put in my earlier post to you. if you reply to my message…[Read more]
Chronicle replied to the topic feeling nothing in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 8 months ago
My heart goes out to you my darling girl, i myself had a similar experience involving my father and the advice that has been given is right you feel what you feel and this is never wrong. She was your mother and gave you life and of course you feel a great deal of loss, your brain is protecting you from the pain at this time but emotions will…[Read more]
Chronicle replied to the topic Save the Troll Foundation in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 8 months ago
taffy and sam must be the good looking chatters……………………..
you 2 should be kept behind a screen for a reason ………………………………….