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active 8 years, 2 months ago
I heard of a few local layoffs.. I think the economy is dumping after Christmas. Its a weird thing, and I hope I am wrong.. but it is rare for me to hear of layoffs – these are not factory jobs or such… Hmmm.. View
What’s a pb? Not something with a bad connotation, right?
It’s my hope that you aren’t welcoming me to the boards by trolling me here in the forums… Don’t people have better things to do? My mum used to say, “if you haven’t anything nice to say, you shouldn’t speak at all”. Good, sound advice.
yes welcome to the boards chowa……I hesitate giving a x
for in my limited knowledge of Japanese,which I picked up the lingo whilst I was in a lunatic asylum in kobe for 6 weeks
I always thought chowa was a BOYS name
meaning harmony ,,,,,hmm,,,?
It DOES mean “harmony”. Unlike in our cultures, where that would be a female’s name, it is often a male child’s name. As I am not Japanese myself, and am not here for dating, the semantics matter not.
Anyway, thanks for yanking my chain And I suppose for educating this lass a little on Japanese baby names lol
Howdy Kent f OBE :)
Yes, nice to be here. Yes, F1 or F2.. :) My schedule keeps changing though so I meet tonnes of new people. :) Thank you for the lovely welcome.
Oh, that must’ve been so very nice, Kent.. reading your posts, you have had a lovely life with a lot of adventuresome moments! :)
Kent f OBE
Thank you. My name means “Harmony” in Japanese. :)
No, that’s wrong, unfortunately.
It’s no. 1… While I have lived in many of the former states, I have never lived in California or Texas (though I visited) and I also have never lived in Oregon.
We are all adults – there is a block/ignore button for people you don’t like. You don’t try and get people banned for nothing. Don’t you know there are logs that can be reviewed by moderators and hosts?