active 8 years, 2 months agoForum Replies Created
21 October, 2016 at 5:58 am #1003815
21 October, 2016 at 5:44 am #1003808Ok, I will go first — test the waters, if you will. :)
At this moment, at midnight-thirty, I am happy with my life. Really, really happy. Sated. Comfortable.
Yes, I love my life — but it *IS* busy..
No, I don’t hate it, but I have certainly had time when my life when I did.. and I didn’t understand why. I think we all have moments like that sometimes.. at least a lot of us. The important thing is to keep moving forward, never give life the time to go stagnant – keep moving forward. And I have.What would I change if I could? I think we would move into a house, from our small flat – we are a wee bit cramped and it is outdated. I have plans for decluttering it and making it more beautiful, though, so that can make us comfortable for now.
There are a number of reasons why we can’t right now. The kids need time to safely come into their own – away from parents dating, divorces, and big moves or big changes. The best thing I can do is support them now, and that gives me some time to move into a house. I’m also trying to get my degrees – four of them, to be exact. I’ve no idea if I will make it all the way, but I am willing to try and, as we all know, it can be expensive.
I think I would like to be rid of some of my past, but at the same time, our pasts help mold us into wha twe are. I also would like to shed some pounds.. but if I really want to, I will make many changes to do it. I thank God I am curvy! :)I wouldn’t change my children or my Unk for the world. I like them in my life. I wouldn’t give up my faith. I love it. I wouldn’t change my church, my car, or my location. Just the house, I think..
I love the beach – absolutely. I love everything in my life, really.I miss freedom the most. I can’t delve into that on a public board, but that is what I miss. Maybe in a few years, I will have it.
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21 October, 2016 at 5:25 am #1003795I actually agree with Skep. This is a flame post. It’s designed to ruin the rep of people who chat on the boards in an area where they can not or will not defend themselves.
For what offense? For being happy.. publicly.
His first post seemed jealous, on top of it all.
This isn’t personal – it’s about maturity. Yes, every single one of us can ignore one another – but we aren’t all starting threads about people we may not like where they don’t know about it, now, are we?
I kinda wish ChatHost UK would close this post. Martin, that is. Right?
It doesn’t seem to be very productive in any way.Take it with a grain of salt, and have a good night. Skep – I would suggest you ignore the barrage. I happen to think your posts are down to earth, thoughtful and rational. I may not know you well… but that is what I have seen.
19 October, 2016 at 9:47 pm #1003479Ok, so, Grandpa Coseytoes aka Orson Kart (is that right)? If it is, then the reason that Skeptical is addressing you as Grandpa is because of your name – why spell it all out?
You say on the one hand that you are long in the tooth and so chat doesn’t matter to you, yet in another that you are young, and in yet another that they annoy you so badly that you want them banned, not only have a huge thread you started about them. Which is it?
I must say your language tends to sound violent-leaning.. “devour it” and other such.
Again, I say, peace is the best option. There is a block button when you click on someone’s name in any of the forums. This will eliminate you from even seeing their posts, and should eliminate anything clogging up the screen.
The other issue, of course, is that you seem a little jealous. Your first post says we shouldn’t have to see it and pretty much get jealous of it. I don’t get jealous of things. I figure if something brings up a vein of jealousy, I have some internal work to do.
Good luck to you, sir!
19 October, 2016 at 9:33 pm #1003476Thank you! I am still trying to get used to the site.. and about ready for a big schedule shift. Nice to meet you!
18 October, 2016 at 9:45 am #1003259Yes, and also there are some things.. like there can be chemical depression – coming as a side effect of something someone has taken or ingested… then there is situational depression which stems from a specific (dire) situation one can be in which they may or may not be in control of, which is depressing to them.. and then there is the regular depression which is ongoing and chronic for ones’ lifetime.
I have heard there are many different Eastern and herbal remedies which people receive relief from. I have also, in recent times, heard that being in the sun for length improves mood naturally, as do lengthy walks in the brush/wilderness (sans phone, electronics, etc). I wonder if anyone has tried such things with regularity?
18 October, 2016 at 9:32 am #1003257I haven’t read all.. just skimmed.. and I am not from the UK, just the US, where we share similar problems.. but it seems some things have not been taken into account…
1. The radioactive damage from Nuclear Reactors gone wrong. Am I right in assuming that the UK doesn’t have tornados, hurricanes, or floods? Compare the potential devastation, energy loss and financial losses from downed Wind or Water turbines vs. Nuclear plants, huh?
Fukishima not only killed and made hundreds devastatingly/deadly ill, it also (still) is pumping radioactive waters into the (shared) oceans. The water (upper and lower) currents carry that to other connecting currents around the world. Chernobyl can give us an idea of the kinds of terrible things that happen when an area is bombed with radiation (although one would be bombs and one would be a nuclear disaster, the fallout is really the same).
2. Technology is ever improving. We have hybrid and even hover technology. We have energy star compliance over here in the U.S. There are solar roofs and solar water heaters and all kinds of things that families can use. So, what if those things were encouraged and the turbines (or whatever else) were put in place, while Nuclear was phased out? I have read that other countries are operating fine on alternative energies – but arguably they are much larger..
Shoot.. I thought I had a third.. but I can’t think anymore. I’m sooo tired… just food for thought.
18 October, 2016 at 9:13 am #1003252That’s a really good question…Martin, is it? (That is much quicker to type, not to offend).
What, specific, integration opportunities are there? and….
Why can’t they integrate themselves normally, as others do?
For instance, we deal with the same thing here.. and I have friends that just jump in and those who do not. I am close long-term friends (online) with a wonderful Muslim girl from the country of Bahrain. She is an amazing young woman with a lot of thought and heart out there for others – regardless of their sex, race, creed, class.. Love her.
We have a lot of Mexicans in the US. People have a lot of animosity toward them. I think it’s wrong, in general, but there are those Mexicans that are also racist. I just try to stay as I am, and try to be accepting and kind regardless. I teach my sons that, too. However, I will NOT compromise on our beliefs or celebrations, I pray.
BTW: Tinsel? We have that here in the US, too… everything Christmas and everything Christian slowly being phased out on account of offense. Yet we celebrate Yam Kippur and such.. I think that everyone should be allowed to celebrate as they do. Those who are easily offended, we can try to reach out to, and if that doesn’t work.. then to each his own. Am i perhaps too harsh?
18 October, 2016 at 8:53 am #1003249Hi Brigitte,
What if you were to use the Contact Form to request it personally?
If not (Martin/HostUK seems pretty reasonable, however), I would just put it in your Spam e-mail box and remove all notifications and forget it exists.Sure hope that helps! Sorry to see you go. :(
18 October, 2016 at 8:38 am #1003245Thank you very much, Skep. I appreciate your even keel, intelligent, and careful thoughts, and your welcome.
Ok, ya’ll back to business. Since I can’t remember whose turn it is next (I know it is not mine) and since no one else has, I will go ahead and do one more (whoever replies, their turn):
1. I work(ed) for Lifetime channel in the U.S; it has been quite boring and, at times, stressful, but good for an occasional laugh.
2. I gave up a 20+ year SUCCESSFUL professional career to go back to school; Of course, I still dabble sometimes.
3. Long long ago in a galaxy far, far, away, I was (years-long) engaged to an Aussie and managed a passport, but couldn’t afford the 5k visa. While we were saving, things ended.
Have fun with my BORING facts! :) Sos, it’s quite late and I’m feeling tired.
chowa, welcome to the boards. I wouldn’t worry about grampa cosytoes, who goes by the name of karl orson here. Pete is ok, but he’s referring to something else – I don’t think it’s anything to do with you. these boards can be known to be rough, and I’ve been rough in handling some of these characters. You can’t let yourself be walked over, but it goes nowhere in the end. I join with kenty in welcoming you. I’ve seen you on the boards, and noted your religious beliefs. They should help you. If you want harmony, avoid replying to some of the mails on these boards. There are good people here. take care