active 8 years, 1 month agoForum Replies Created
7 November, 2016 at 4:41 am #1007261
Hmmm… c!inton has always been slotted by the special interests and corporatists for this position. She has been grooming herself for this long before she ran.
7rumps campaign was a joke from the get go – a lark, a point being made, according to his resigned campaign manager of previous. In any case, his own staff didn’t think it would go so far. But it did.He wants power, pure and simple. He IS the 1% and he wants to lead the 1% by and for the 1%. The 1% doesn’t like him because he’s an ignorant dunce – and he is.
As far as I am concerned, he is going to lead us to certain destruction vis a vis a worse than bad Hitler.She, on the other hand, is a war monger of the worst kind, a corporatist, a liar..
You see none of them are for or representative of the American people – and for the first time in a LONG time most of the American people KNOW it. They aren’t gossiping about it in the quiet – they are all sharing it.
Each side says the other will destroy this country but the truth is — BOTH sides will destroy America as we know it! :)
We are voting in our third party. We aren’t wasting a vote on either person who will destroy life as we know it – I, the parent, of three males.
We are voting for the environment, which can’t take much more of the military industrial complex. We are voting for our foods, which can’t take much more altering and poisoning of our bodies. We are voting for our children, what can’t take more war and need clean air and water to breathe. We are voting for education which will increase and strengthen the knowledge our citizens have, and enable them to make SOUND choices and decisions in their day to day lives and in their elections – small and large.
Yes, we are voting third party. We aren’t throwing away our vote by not voting – we are not voting either one of those H!tlers into office. We are not cowering.
But, yes, we believe H!lary will “win” just as GWB won with the “hanging chads”.
5 November, 2016 at 2:29 am #1006849im acatuly tied btwen sevearl and its been causaign me anguish lately…
God… schoool work famiyl its all fro similar purposes pullion me in all directions . \
What abouta yall?23 October, 2016 at 3:31 am #1004426Oldielocks ;)
23 October, 2016 at 3:29 am #1004424Attacks by a regular user turned tr0ll because they were jealous of my getting someone’s attention. At the same time, I was coming under pressure to hurry up and leave to take family (on my personal day of the week) to the Library promptly. I also recognized I have a rational/irrational fear of driving atm especially during high traffic days such as Saturdays, Sundays, or any Rush Hours, Dinnertime, Breakfast time, or the time after Church meetings or when Schools get out for the little ones. Thease are the busiest times and just a year ago, I could hardly walk because of a tourist running my car off the road and into two other SUV’s (besides theirs, that is). So, I used to have very bad PTSD. I couldn’t even reverse. I notice difficulty breathing lately. I believe it’s that irrational fear.
So, I was pissed off at my limitations, the outside pressures, and concerns about a drastically changing schedule and letting anyone down with all the new expectations – including myself and God.
I also was upset that some person – who doesn’t know me – decided to NOT be self aware and to project onto me their own fears of being overlooked or wronged.In short, it was a perfect storm. I need to get over myself, get over my fears.. and keep trudging. Very rare – a perfect storm.
Of course, in the end, I ended up making myself go out, everyone was happy, and we had a fabulous night. Only thing is the wee bairn fell asleep in my arms before we prayed and read the Bible. Hey, at least we brushed our teeth! :D
23 October, 2016 at 3:18 am #1004422I have seen and experienced things. Surely, if it was me, alone, or others, alone, that had done so.. I would agree that it is likely just our imagination. But some of these things occurred at the same time that others experienced them and reacted at the same time!
Or left the things which were messed with, such as pots fallen on the floor or washing carts moved and such.
In either case, I haven’t seen them much in recent years.. and I think they tend to be more noticeable during times of high crisis. Is it another dimension only visible at that time? Or perhaps it is certain energies that attract the ghosts to actually allow themselves to be seen?
Anyway, either way.. it isn’t necessary for others to believe, but yes, I do.
Also, as a side note.. Christianity… does mention ghosts and also talking with the deceased. So, Christians out there that think it impossible can only say so, based on two narrow theories. In any case, I believe. :)
God bless those who do, and may God bless those who don’t. And may we respect eachother’s oft differing opinions. :D
23 October, 2016 at 3:12 am #1004420Well.. I think you are both right.. and it heavily depends on the situations we are in day-to-day and how busy we are. I know that in business, no matter the industry, people are far more likely to comment on bad service or craftmanship than good.. and I think, somehow, that has to do with our expectations.
Do expectations come from pride or arrogance, I wonder?
In any case, I catch myself..my language becoming occasionally more vulgar, or my temper being occasionally more raw… and I try to mentally remind myself this is NOT who I am or who I want to be. Like the world needs more of THAT, right??
I practice in the car.. at least i used to. I figure if I can handle a life-death situation where people can be totally crazy or arses, then I can handle anything.. and it usually works. Though, sometimes, it’s really a lot of praying lol (I live in touriste country!).
I am also grateful that as rough-edged as my elderly Unk is, he was brought up with classic manners and such and it rubs off on us. :) So do the rough edges, but he’s really softened up with us in the last year!
So, I do think that we notice the worse more, as ChatHostUK says. But I also think it is getting worse. I think you are right, ChatHostUK, that our leaders are setting poorer examples. But I also think that we are caving to what is around us.
Like they oft say, “Change begins at home” or “Be the Change You Want to See in the World.” Right-o? I try. Every day. Too oft, I fail. KWIM?
21 October, 2016 at 6:44 pm #1003963Also, you guys all say you are “bantering” and such, but banter is good, and friendly. That is NOT what Orson Kart’s statements are about them and doesn’t appear what you all were doing towards Skep.
But I digress, perhaps my understanding is wrong, there.So, if that is the case, please remember that people don’t know you, and irony and sarcasm don’t come through over texts, e-mails, and chats very well (unless, perhaps, people know you quite well).
Also, for banter to be banter – and not harassment – it must be equally participated in and accepted by both/all parties. Otherwise, it can be misconstrued as bullying. Wouldn’t want that, right?
Anyway, it is fun to banter, tease, and make jokes.. but not at the expense or offense of others, right?
21 October, 2016 at 6:41 pm #1003961yeh after my recent sabbatical of 6 months, anyway what the story is,just wanted to see if anything had changed,i didn’t say too much,i couldn’t even think of a name so I went in as boris mchorace,ive no idea why lol,but I did notice the two tracys are still “at it” but the crucial thing for me logging out,is when the Gucci and moi show came on at 9,45 pm they are still churning out the same old shite,itsunfuckinbeleivable I observed how many ppl logged out,when they knew it was them they must think in this day and age of loads of other sites,free movies,you tube etc we are adults why would we sit through the false garbage shit aka the Gucci and moi show I know ppl turn off in droves when they appear so my question is who exactly are these duffers,who welcome moi and Gucci I know you think you are being nice by saying hi to them cant you see you are just encouraging the idiots,mind you they do say it takes an idiot to know one but these 2 pseudo bonnie and clydes really are idiots,why are you putting yourselves in the same bracket as them you might as well shake hands with a baboon,than get any sense out of them two.
So you wrote all of this, Orson Kart/Grandpa Coseytoes. You said that you noticed people logging out when they knew it was them. With all that has been going on with the chatrooms since the update, and all of the things that can cause people to logout, how, exactly do you know that they explicitly were the cause?
Additionally, why can’t those people, like other adults, put the people on block or ignore them, or go to another chatroom or post on the boards. We all have people that we may not like or may not get along with – this is how adults can avoid a problem instead of making it into another, even bigger one.
Here, you call anyone who likes them or encourages them idiots and old duffers. So you start out offending people you don’t even know for what purpose, exactly?
1.its not harassment,i have never intentionally abused moi or Gucci,im sure they are very nice people(in there own little fantasy land, somewhere over the rainbow
but why subject every other chatter to it?
people say to me why don’t you just iggy them then?
but my parry and riposte is,,why should I?
why cant they just iggy all of us,we aren’t needed,we are mere envious onlookers,and jealous bystanders all cooing over there ever blossoming pseudo “relationship”
and that’s why they wont take it to pm,they love the attention
oh do you know what.. if I had the power I know what I would do with scrimpy and scrumpy.The answer can also be, why not? It literally takes a few seconds. How long did it take you to create this post and follow it, with continual derogatory or defamatory statements towards those who can not / will not defend themselves?
I get that you may be jealous or envious, but I am quite happy how I am and it does a heart good to see other people happy. Who cares if someone likes attention? Just don’t give it to them if you don’t want to..
It’s a good thing you don’t have the power, isn’t it? Is this, perhaps, a reason that you might have some issues. :)
Again, “Why can’t we all just get along?”
21 October, 2016 at 6:09 am #1003820I will start. I am Chowa. My name irl is what it means in Japanese. I am NOT a beau.
I came about JC about two weeks ago, when I was looking for non-sexual, non-dating chat. Of course I realize every chat room has that in the background, but I mean that is not its purpose.
I like F1 because the people are nice. It’s nearly always hopping, though.
I like JC because it’s easy to use, and it’s varied. Mostly friendly, too.21 October, 2016 at 6:04 am #1003817Traffic with tourists and Nor’Easters. They don’t know where they are going, but our State gives them State plates so they keep coming. Problem is, you can’t tell them apart from full-timers, and they are confused and on vacation. This makes them highly dangerous.
They drive slow but then you try to pass and it suddenly reminds them they need to go faster so they speed up = Dangerous!
They whizz through traffic, left to right and right to left, with too high speeds.
They cut across three lanes of traffic in a heavy populated area, or pull out in front of you going 30km slower than you and traffic.
They can’t or don’t stay in their lanes, as they are talking about what to do with the rest of their vacation days.
One of them ran me off the road with his girlfriend from another town over a year ago and changed my life drastically. I try to keep calm, but I can’t.. sometimes I get mad, frustrated, or I talk at them like they are dumb. It isn’t good for a Christian to do.. I need to do better.. Grrrrrr…
OK, let’s see how long this one lasts….
How about some ground rules for the thread?
a) That it’s a place to let off steam about things that make you go grrrrrr and
b) It shouldn’t be used to let off steam about anything or anyone in the chatrooms or on the boards.I know it might be asking a bit much, but we are all allegedly adults, so what do you think? Cos I for one quite like having somewhere I can grrrrr about my day to day stuff…must be the lioness in me! :lol: