:shock: Whigfield, junior school, eric ??? feck me how old do i feel.
I’m just going to sit in the corner, old, drinking soup through a straw and smelling of wee :?
:shock: I just returned after a looooong 18 month break and i wana know where the hell are all the oldies ??? Don’t tell me everyone has got a life, i won’t belive you. Now i’m going to sit in the corner until i see someone i know :?
Get over it :lol:
[-( nope i refuse to get over it. Allthough i’ve thought of a way around it. I’m going to twin you all with the oldies i used to know like they do with towns :D/ from now on Miss Minx will be known to me as “Hairy Eric” (sorry didn’t chat to many women so short on female names to be twined with) :lol: :lol: :lol: