And the bosses cant take a bonus for a whole year.
How about no bonus until the banks pay back all the money they have been given, plus 11% interest sounds about right to me.
My ex was a mature student and got a HSBC student account with a £15,000 overdraft even though she had no income. nedless to say she ended up going bankrupt.
Another banks also gave my a £6500 loan when i had no job or income. The women said it goes by my past record and because i got a could credit rating its not a problem.
I would not give anyone money if they had no way of paying it back, its not rocket science .
Interesting though you mentoined the CO-OP becuase they dont seemed to have been dragged into this problem. I know they only invest in what they reguard as ethical products. Maybe the banks should not of invested in dodgy places like Nigera and North Korea.