chickenman replied to the topic Are the BBC right to suspend Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross? in the board Polls 16 years, 4 months ago
Anyone who listens to Russel Brand knows what he’s like and the BBC employed him because of what he’s like, Now all of a sudden they are trying to distance themselves from him.
If him or Ross are worth the money they get that’s another matter.
The amount of abuse Brand has dished out to Noel Gallager yet i dont hear anyone complaining about…[Read more] -
chickenman replied to the topic Are the BBC right to suspend Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross? in the board Polls 16 years, 4 months ago
I was listening to Brand’s show when all this took place and it’s been blown out of all proportion. All he said was he’d had great sex with Sachs grand daughter and she loved it and its was consensaul on both parts.
As far as i’m aware he only phoned Sachs after he failed to turn up on the show. Then after the phone call Brand made, Rossy told him…[Read more] -
chickenman replied to the topic Would you report somebody for…. in the board Polls 16 years, 4 months ago
@~Tickled Pink~ wrote:
Well i get all the tv channels (or most anyway) movie channels, sports etc.. the internet and phone for about £50-80 plus any phone calls i make etc..
Feck me i just seen Virgin prices. £128 a month for the vip full package. I’d want that ginger fungus face making my tea and bringing me bisuits at that price during half t…[Read more]
chickenman replied to the topic Would you report somebody for…. in the board Polls 16 years, 4 months ago
You get it free in prison anyway so you still win :lol:
I wouldn’t grass on them but thats because i don’t like Virgin :lol: I know someone who who gets it all for nowt and virgin wont know unless you go on the interactive parts by pressing the red button.
Anyway they still have to prove your getting all the channels for nothing and they can only…[Read more] -
chickenman replied to the topic The biggest mystery in the world of football. in the board The locker room 16 years, 4 months ago
Not sure about this one. Harry is a great manager but i dont think he’s very good when it comes to having a large budget. I can see us paying over the odd’s for some unknown Nigerian or some player from some unknown part of India :lol:
But saying that, I don’t think his apointment will solve any of the problems unless Harry as full and total…[Read more] -
chickenman replied to the topic Microsoft hits back at the pirates in the board Getting serious 16 years, 4 months ago
@*Dawny* wrote:
Think of us migrainers!!!!
Bloody migrainers coming over here nicking our jobs !
But back to topic surely the only way to beat pirates is woodworm. I heard it has a drastic affect on thier wooden legs or failing that maybe Shazzer could kidnap thier parrots ?
chickenman replied to the topic Wheres all the regs gone? in the board Chat forum two boards 16 years, 4 months ago
I’ve been here 5 years but im starting to pong a bit now :shock:
chickenman replied to the topic LCD recommendations in the board Technical Q&A 16 years, 4 months ago
@JohnBoy25 wrote:
I’m considering getting an LCD TV for use with my PS3 so I get full advantage of it, including the Blu Ray as my current TV does not have an HDMI outlet. I have looked at this one:
But I was wondering if…
chickenman replied to the topic sit coms in the board Art, poetry, music and film 16 years, 4 months ago
Operation Good Guys i dont think ever got the credit it deserved when you think that The Office was just a copy of it. Alan Partridge was great as well.
The problem with comedy is that you norm hav to offend someone and these days you just cant get away with it thats why most older programmes are better
chickenman replied to the topic sit coms in the board Art, poetry, music and film 16 years, 4 months ago
Peep Show has some great lines in it and i would have to agree with shaz that Nick has to be one of the funniest characters, would put him besides George. Also cant find any Gaffer on youtube :?
chickenman replied to the topic sit coms in the board Art, poetry, music and film 16 years, 4 months ago
Soooo many fav’s all for different reasons.
Huge fan of Ronnie Barker so love Porridge as my alltime fav but Open all Hours is up there as well. I prefer clever humour and love word play not just out n out jokes.
Used to love Ever Decreasing Circles. Used to watch that in the afternoons when i was dole scum lol.
George in George n Mildred has to…[
chickenman replied to the topic Has PB gone soft? in the board Polls 16 years, 4 months ago
Is it still ok to abuse myself ??
chickenman replied to the topic False Rape Claims in the board Getting serious 16 years, 4 months ago
Keep away from women and buy a Motorbike and a PS3 instead :lol:
chickenman replied to the topic The Beatles in the board Art, poetry, music and film 16 years, 4 months ago
Over rated 60’s boy band
chickenman replied to the topic Bruce Springsteen in the board Art, poetry, music and film 16 years, 4 months ago
I think he’s great. Well underrated
chickenman replied to the topic Closing down my Lloyds TSB account in the board Getting serious 16 years, 4 months ago
@Pete wrote:
Well the Bank of Scotland fella me lad gets a £580,000 pension (thast a year btw not a one off payment)
£11,000 a week and he will still get a winter fuel allowance because he’s an OAP :roll:
chickenman replied to the topic Closing down my Lloyds TSB account in the board Getting serious 16 years, 4 months ago
And the bosses cant take a bonus for a whole year.
How about no bonus until the banks pay back all the money they have been given, plus 11% interest sounds about right to me.My ex was a mature student and got a HSBC student account with a £15,000 overdraft even though she had no income. nedless to say she ended up going bankrupt.
Another banks…[
chickenman replied to the topic Britains got the pop in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 4 months ago
Best thing i’ve seen in ages ! fecking brilliant. Can’t wait for the results :lol:
chickenman replied to the topic The price of bread in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 4 months ago
:-k Would they go for Garlic Bread ? i’ve heard that’s the future. or are we running before we can walk ? just thought i’d run it up the flag pole and see what flaps !
chickenman replied to the topic The price of bread in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 4 months ago
or scoop the inside out and live in it or use it as a boat to sail to another country :-k
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