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  • #234440

    @fastcars wrote:

    @chezanator wrote:

    mind u im a chocaholic so ive never tasted a dried fruit and raisens look far 2 much like sheep droppings 4 me 2 even think aboot chewing on 1

    If u don’t chew the raisens before swallowing they depart your body in excactly the same way as they entered… :-…

    :-… takes recycling to a whole new level that does pml

    chez xx


    @sharongooner wrote:

    lol!! im cool, kids are finally in bed now big bro has finished lol,

    hows the we babe today? being good? :lol:

    well shes is being good as in she doesnt really cry but she also likes to b sat up all the time looking around, she falls asleep sat up, god help me or her dad if we lie her down b4 shes zonked she gives us a right mouthful lol

    just got her in her crib aboot half an hour ago she has been awake an just happily looking round since 6 30 i cant believe she is only 3 weeks old shes so clever xxx well i just love her anyway lol

    so u got some peace now then mate haha time for a brew an relax xx


    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    congrats CheeZ x

    Ive have 7yr and 21 day gap between my kids….. my oldest a lass and is wee blessing in diguise…. she’s a great big sis, and always helping.
    As Becks said let ur oldest be involved as much as they wish to help. My 2 kids pine for each other, especially the wee barra when his big sis goes out to play with her friends…. u’ll find his nosed squashed to the windae pane shoutin his sound for her.,… very sweet..

    I here where you comin from CheeZ, when the wee barra arrived I was like, f cuk it aint that long but i can’t rem what to do….. but its second nature as u will find it flows back to you…..

    best of luck to you all tc MJ x

    arrr ty MJ lol i cant wait to find her nose up 2 the window lol i rem when u posted that u had had your baby the other year god it goes fast dont it xx

    chez xx


    @tadpole wrote:

    Can you lose the Caps please forum host, its rude to shout i will insist on a ban… warning.

    arrr bless @ your siggy, my babes came out 2 weeks early they told me she would only be 2 lb an she weighed in at 6 lb 13 oz haha she was in a bit of a bad way but she made it throu the cesaren ok an now shes is 7lb and abit at 3 weeks old

    Good luck on your new addition 2 your family xx chezzzz


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    hey congrats Chez!!! I dont have any children…but i look after 17 daily! Stock up on vodka if i were you…

    i like to think a good bottle of wine helps…. a bottle of milk for baby and that for me lol!!!

    (no mine aint babies anymore, but i still stick to that particular rule lol!!!!!) :wink:

    well thats ok sharongooner but why can i still see a dummy in your mouth lol :lol: :lol:

    only jokin hun how r u 2 day ?? xx chez xx


    Arrrrr thank u so much every1 for all the advice and kind words it is coming back slowly like every1 said it does

    still mega scary thou and i will appriciate every minute with my babes an my little boy they r the most precious things in the world 2 me

    thank u jas and jay 4 your congrats hope u r both ok xx

    thanx again every1 luv chezanator xx


    i am pml @ this post dried fruit has never been so entertaining i bet all apricots will strive 2 b dried so as 2 get revenge on us 4 eating them

    mind u im a chocaholic so ive never tasted a dried fruit and raisens look far 2 much like sheep droppings 4 me 2 even think aboot chewing on 1


    @sharongooner wrote:

    ahh bless!!! my first was like that and i was fully prepared for his brother to be the same but they couldnt have been more different!!

    typical huh?

    nice to meet you xx 8)

    :wink: :lol: lol eye typical nice 2 meet u 2 hun xx


    @matty wrote:


    thank u thats means more then u know xx


    A really great an catchy tune in the 80’s was

    the SUPERGRAN theme song which was released as a single, an i screamed for it in woolworths at the grand old age of 6 pml, mi mum bought it me 2 shut me up an all, that was a 1 off i can tell ya normally just got a wack round the ed lol

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