Chess replied to the topic Our Mugs in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago
@Rosepetal wrote:
yep you are so gonna regret it ………………
(damn funny tho) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Chess replied to the topic Our Mugs in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago
Chess replied to the topic Our Mugs in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago
Chess replied to the topic Our Mugs in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago
@sugarnspice wrote:
23.28 on the 4th of February 2008. This mug is genuine.
Lmaooooo i just know you are gonna send me this mug some day :lol: :lol: :lol:
Chess replied to the topic sexy hunks here you go girls lol in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago
Chess replied to the topic It’s Been…….. in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago
@Catmanblue wrote:
Fantastic news kateeeee keep it up x x x x
I’m catching up with you its now 8 months since i gave up smoking (and before all you cleverclogs start I joined a gym to get rid of the extra weight) :lol:
:- :- :- :- :-
Well done Kateee and catty :lol: :lol:
Chess replied to the topic happy belated birthday to politics (f) in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago
Happy Belated Birthday Poli
(hope the hangover wasnt too bad ) :lol: :lol: :lol:
x x x
Chess replied to the topic HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUBES!! in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago
Happy Birthday Rubes ya aul pishmire :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
Hope ya have a great day
x x x
Chess replied to the topic Word of the Day, take 2!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Lmao @ Ruby ya muppet :lol: :lol: :wink:
My word….. Technology :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Chess replied to the topic Are you a Donor in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
The organs of people killed in road accidents and such like are not viable because of the time lapse between death and and being able to harvest them they have become ischeamic and such like because of depravation of oxygen. So at the minute the only organs that can be harvested are from people who have died whilst in hospital on life support or…[Read more]
Chess replied to the topic MSN Trojan in the board Technical Q&A 17 years, 1 month ago
Thanks everyone ……. am waiting to show all the addys to my friend….. incase i make a mess of them lol
x x x
Chess replied to the topic MSN Trojan in the board Technical Q&A 17 years, 1 month ago
Bless ya Ruby …… :)
Chess replied to the topic MSN Trojan in the board Technical Q&A 17 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for all the info Doa ……….. i dont think being a no brainer quite comes into it. its a new pc and a family friend who by the way is very technically minded and well up on his use etc of computers has assured me that its easier to get into fort knox then it is into my comp. He set it up alls i do is use it.
I have a desk pc and the…[Read more]
Chess replied to the topic MSN Trojan in the board Technical Q&A 17 years, 1 month ago
Thats a real help thanks pats :roll: :wink:
Chess replied to the topic Are you a Donor in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
People are told somethings Sharon but not the whereabouts/names etc it can be a help to people who are grieving …………… Recipients are asked if they would like to write to the donor family. This letter is given to the co-ordinator who passes it on to the family. No names are involved unless you add your first name when signing it. This…[Read more]
Chess replied to the topic Are you a Donor in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
im not quite sure what you mean there waspish…..*we can never be certain that people in third world countries [for instance] will not donate organs for cash, fine if its your own, but not so fine if your an unwilling donor.* Surely this would be have to be a live donation
im just going along the lines of the organ being *a match* for the…[Read more]
Chess replied to the topic Are you a Donor in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
Unfortunately it doesnt work like that ……. unless it is a live donation whereupon you may donate to a member of your family if you are a match …..
There are very stringent tests carried out on both harvested organs and the recipients before the operation can go ahead ….. its not like shopping ….. its not like saying that one looks ok i…[Read more]
Chess replied to the topic Are you a Donor in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
thats a very valid point anita …… tho who knows how that would fare with the government we have. As bad as rich folk going elsewhere to *buy organs*
Chess replied to the topic Are you a Donor in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
It has always been said to discuss donation incase of death for whatever reason with your next of kin. Let your wishes be known and yes Carol a clause of such like what you have suggested would be most appropiate. Would be one way round the controversy i should imagine.
This is where the *opt out* will come into its own. Theres no one saying you…[Read more]
Chess replied to the topic Are you a Donor in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
Well said Sharon but as a recipient ……. twice…. i can say that the old cliche “The Gift of Life” is indeed true…… as i have said i have been there done that and bought the t shirt.
Never for a minute do i stop realising how lucky I am have been or indeed still am.There are 8,000 people needing a transplant and with 3,000 transplants a…[Read more]
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