Hush, leave it alone! I remember Blue Peter running something on this when i was a small lass. Knee high to a grasshopper me thinks. I was so jealous that they could be princesses and i had to make do with my scrufty dungarees with holes in…
…Not much in the way of princesses there if only one person was on board :lol: :lol:
And hundreds of servers holding questionable pornographic content no doubt….
Oh how we laughed when the balls flew over the bar. :D
Scots seem to revel in the England misery while English fans don’t really care what happens to Scotland… Got a fish with them chips on that shoulder of yours? [-X
Quite similar with Australia I think – many here are rooting for them in their world cup campagin. I doubt it is the case over there with Aussies cheering on England (apart from the backpackers and ex-pats!)