ccvulture replied to the topic Poetry Threat (well ok thread!) mark 2 in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 7 months ago
Early lunch – chocolate bars on a draughty rock;
scoops of cloudless water from the peristalsis of a stream.
Mid-morning it is fresh in the umbrella of the pines.
Groundwater bubbles through the sweating,
detritus-soaked soil.It is an hour as the hawk flits,
two as the lizard bolts,
three for the lovers who clamber
up the stony meander,
arms t…[
ccvulture replied to the topic ** Limerick ** in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
I know a few VERY rude limericks – but I can’t post them here.
ccvulture replied to the topic Lovers Rendezvous. (PART ONE) in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
I prefer the Basement Jaxx version :P
It doesn’t seem to have been edited or even proofread, which is sinful in prose writing. It reads to me like a bad attempt at virginal erotica.
Sorry but… where is the passion, where aren’t the cliches? There isn’t even a vivid scene-setting of this most traditional tryst to enjoy.
The one bit I liked…[Read more]
ccvulture replied to the topic Timber in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
The rhymes’ strictness went away as the piece progressed; so you should either tighten that up or abandon them altogether; or work in a looser rhyme scheme throughout.
The use of tree as personal metaphor is well-worn but powerful nonetheless, a good choice.
It reminds me of the Ents in Lord of the Rings.
ccvulture replied to the topic For all the mother’s who have lost………….. in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Well, this is extremely moving. Well done for getting it down.
ccvulture replied to the topic DOOR in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
This is a simple appeal, and it really does come off. I liked it a lot.
ccvulture replied to the topic The Squirel in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Well in the case of the grey squirrel that’s not entirely true, as they’re not a native UK species so they didn’t initially have any “land” we could “encroach on”…
My mate has suggested the following anti-squirrel-on-bird-feeder devices:
1. Electrify the pole, insulating only the top bit where the birds flit.
2. Get a .22 rifle.
3. Spike the…[
ccvulture replied to the topic The Squirel in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Get a squirrel-proof feeder: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?RedirectEnter&partner=35421&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.co.uk%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FViewItem%26item%3D7746172042
Or you can make your own, apparently by fixing two hemispherical hanging baskets together, provided that the spaces in the baskets’ mesh are smaller than…[Read more]
ccvulture replied to the topic ~ The Irish Faerie ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
A rare beauty, indeed :P
ccvulture replied to the topic Midwinter (Part 1 of 10) in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
2. Collecting
Last year’s graffiti tags are mould
necrotising the cutting’s buttresses;
decaying carriages shake
outside the train care depot,
never to be allowed back in;
an ATM doesn’t pay out,
though you pound its sticky keys…This is a friendless place for collecting.
Alert, chirpy platform managers try their best:
revising the day’s d…[
ccvulture replied to the topic Goodbye in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
He probably isn’t, James
ccvulture replied to the topic ~ Relentless Ribbons Of Love ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Pamma a lamma loo doo?
(it has a certian ring to it.)
ccvulture replied to the topic ~ October Night ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Your original relier did have a point thoug, regardless of whether you accept it or not…x
ccvulture replied to the topic ~ Relentless Ribbons Of Love ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
I read this out to myself in the style of an American movie announcer on dope, and boy was it erotic!
ccvulture replied to the topic The Corsican Wife in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Thanks you both – you’re Angels!!
(but I guess you knew that)
ccvulture replied to the topic The Bookshelf in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Hi, MHOs
Fave Books?..
London Fields (Martin Amis). The Glass Bead Game (Hermann Hesse)
Fave Authors?..
Martin Amis
Books to Film..
1.The Plague Dogs is an excellent film to an excellent book.
2. Never read LA Confidential, but American Tabloid by the same author, James Ellroy, is wicked.“The Concordance Of Nicola Six’s Kisses” is the best…[Read more]