Forum Replies Created
10 April, 2007 at 12:19 pm #262363
We put the headmasters car up for sale in Exchange & Mart for a ridiculously small sum – and gave the school phone number. He went balistic!!! Never found out who did it though – and he deserved it, sanctimonious little prat!
Of course, this was in the days before credit cards etc when trust was still around.
I still scream with laughter when I think of his face.
9 April, 2007 at 7:18 pm #265873William the Conquerer felt he had a legitimate right to the English throne. Edward the Confessor had named william as his heir in 1051. On Edward the Confessor’s death Harold got himslef crowned quickly. With Pope Alexander IIs blessing (the pope was one of the most powerful people in the western world at the time) William believed he had a right to invade England. Other claims to the throne wee Halold Hardrada, King of Norway who belived that the English throne had been promised to his father. Another was Prine Edgarwho could trace his ancestry from Alfred the Great. william was actually great nephew to Queen Emma, the wife of Edward the Confessor.
By the time of the Norman invasion, England already had many normans living and trading within its borders and many who wanted William to be in control – after all, he’d done a good job in Normandy!
So, blaming the Normans is not so straightforward!
9 April, 2007 at 7:00 pm #264610Can’t we keep this poor woman and her daughter and deport UGO? From the look of his posting, he will not be a great loss!
9 April, 2007 at 6:42 pm #266949The two female yobs who assaulted me and knocked out 4 teeth are due in court tomorrow. I can only say that the police have been brilliant. I was attacked in front of my 10 year old daughter so she had to be questioned with video evidence, I had to have DNA taken and was very shaky.
The police knew the girls very well – had got them to court 5 times since christmas – only for some stupid magistrate to let them out again!! The local police are fed up with arresting these kids just for the courts to let them out. It is also the general public who are less than 5 feet away from an assault but apparently do not see or hear anything. But I bet this general public would soon moan if it were their family which was hurt!
I had someone trying to break in to the shop below me and called the police who were there within 5 minutes – apparently these girls have large families who are very grieved that someone has dared to report their darlings for assault!
I’m writing this to say that most of the time, it is not the police – they arrest the little basta*ds but the magistrates who give them a slap on the wrist and let them straight out again! Saying that, my attacker has bail conditions which means she is not allowed out after 7pm until 7am the next morning, is not allowed to walk past my flat – which is on the high street and only way to beach and where her friends hang out and she has to walk an extra 1/2 mile to shops etc – poor diddams! I feel she’s got a punishment before she gets to court – and she gets a night in the cells if she is found to have broken her bail!
I think that national service should be brought back for any that are not in education or who get themselves into trouble – we need a proper deterrant now.
9 April, 2007 at 6:22 pm #267176I would just like to point out that throughout history every nation has been enslaved by another. The American colonies and us British used people from the African sub continent – as did the portugese who were the first to export slaves from Africa. The Ottoman empire plundered the Mediteranean for slaves, the Roman empire plundered everywhere. NO society throughout the world has been spared slavery in its history. Yes, there is still slavery and something must be done about this – including those who import white slaves into the sex industry in this country – maybe anyone caught using these girls should be charged with rape?
At the time of African slavery, there was a different mind set – the English people weren’t having it too easy either. It is part of our and their history. Let it go. The past can’t be changed. All we can do is learn from it and fight against it happenning again to anyone. Slavery has affected everyone world wide so apologies are unnecessary and I also hear the word Compensation coming about. If so, could I please have some compensation from the Roman empire – Italy etc as I am sure my ancestors were slaves there – or from the scandanavian countries – the Vikings and Normans did their share of stealing anglo saxons into slavery too!