Forum Replies Created
1 November, 2008 at 1:35 pm #385575
I think the pair of them should have been sacked – instantly! Blaming the granddaughter is a bit like blaming the victim for the crime! So what if she is in a band you might not like the name of or does not wear enough clothes for some to see her as ‘decent’. OK, if she showed lack of judgement it was touching Brand without the aid of a 60 foot pole! To me, it is not just the fact that they did it and luckily did not get away with it but that two ADULT men actually lacked the common sense and brain power to realise that this was not acceptable. Yes, black comedy and poking fun at ourselves and those in a position of power or influence is a British thing and sometimes is very good but to target an elderly man – who was with his wife in hospital at the time in this manner was way beyond what is acceptable. We have enough problems with lack of respect to the elderly and in society in general and these two morons nearly got away with something like this and that we have a few who cannot see the harm in it only emphasises how bad this has become and how low standards have become seen as normal on TV and radio.
There is a lot of difference between stretching boundaries and trying out new things than to get cheap laughs out of an old man who has more important things on his mind than these two twats!
1 September, 2008 at 3:55 pm #366692I agree. I study History at my local university and the course is fantastic – in fact it is known to be one of the best History departments in the country but the university is not one of the top unis. Last year we had lots of students transferring from some of the more highly thought of universities because of the lack of support (this was often disabled students) and satisfaction in their courses.
I would say to anyone looking going to university is don’t look at the position, go and visit the uni with the course that interests you the best. Get a feel for it. Better to achieve a 1 at a uni where you feel part of things, settled and happy than a fail or 3 after three years of misery!
27 June, 2008 at 11:53 am #280261chavs!
Grown fat men wearing football shirts
anyone over a size 12 showing off their belly – it ain’t jelly, it wobbles too much!
posh spice & beckam
Paris Hilton
Naiomi Campbell
Any druggie celebrity
Old women with shopping trolleys who block the pavement
Busses that take an hour to travel 5 miles!
Everything else I hate!13 June, 2008 at 6:25 pm #345353‘Simply because if some one is innocent they are not going to mind the police thoroughly investigating them, rather that than make a rushed wrong judgement, it get to court and go wrong, and if they are guilty it gives the police time to make a proper less rushed case, and if they can hold for 28 days anyway (is that right) its only another 2 weeks out of someones life to possibly insure they are not wrongly accused as well as to prove the guilty more conclusively.’ (f,politics above)
No, my landlord won’t mind that I can’t pay the rent as I haven’t worked for 6 weeks. My work will hold the job open so I can just take over where I left off – I don’t think so!!!
All the other laws that were brought out ‘just for terrorists’ are already taking over our everyday life. We no longer have the right to protest on public streets outside our publicly elected parliament. Even wearing a T. Shirt with the wrong slogan on can mean being carted off in a police van! This is a massive deterioration on our rights and is going to affect every single one of us at some point in the future. You thinking of driving 38 mph in a 30mph area – are you a terrorist? They will lock you up for 6 weeks till they find out? Just wait and see.
18 April, 2008 at 2:07 pm #325788It’s not just immigrants. In our area, all the council properties go to the bloody pikies! The majority of the council housing is used by about 10 extended families – about 200 properties. They must all inter-breed!!
23 March, 2008 at 8:36 pm #315218I don’t know the full story in this case but surely it is useless parents who have brought up a child that can’t be left alone at 15! At this age they are almost adults and it is rediculous that they need to be treated like 5 year olds. Shame on the parents who have molly coddled their children so much that at age 15 they can’t even make themselves a cup of tea and slice of toast, let alone be trusted to keep themselves safe for a few hours or even overnight!
18 February, 2008 at 12:02 pm #312931If this stupid law comes in, I can see that I will be going over the channel to get mine – it would work out much cheaper!
This bloody government would be much better if it would just chill out with a pint and a fag!
20 June, 2007 at 1:12 pm #273527I would love to ban anyone who is a bit saggy from wearing crop tops or low cut jeans – the belly hanging down to the knees is not a good look!!!
Also thongs on middle aged women and men wearing the same suit (trousers in particular) more than three days running – especially on a crowded tube trains. office worker’s crotch is a disgusting smell.
I would also like to ban women with high heels which they can’t walk in from busy areas and during rush hour – they are so so slow.
12 April, 2007 at 3:03 pm #267248My daughter informed me that this bloke had lots of ‘forns’ put on his head and then he was criticised! That’ll teach him to stick to carpentry!
10 April, 2007 at 12:25 pm #113219I have a black and white kitten with a hitler moustache and black markings on his head. He’s Stan the Man, Little S*it, Kitler – and it suits him. Poland is a bit too far for his little legs at the moment so he’s just returned from invading the library next door to us.