cazatwhit replied to the topic Brand and Ross in the board Getting serious 16 years, 4 months ago
I think the pair of them should have been sacked – instantly! Blaming the granddaughter is a bit like blaming the victim for the crime! So what if she is in a band you might not like the name of or does not wear enough clothes for some to see her as ‘decent’. OK, if she showed lack of judgement it was touching Brand without the aid of a 60 foot…[Read more]
cazatwhit replied to the topic Picking a local school is more important than a good Uni? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 6 months ago
I agree. I study History at my local university and the course is fantastic – in fact it is known to be one of the best History departments in the country but the university is not one of the top unis. Last year we had lots of students transferring from some of the more highly thought of universities because of the lack of support (this was…[Read more]
cazatwhit replied to the topic Things that should be banned! in the board Chat forum two boards 16 years, 8 months ago
Grown fat men wearing football shirts
anyone over a size 12 showing off their belly – it ain’t jelly, it wobbles too much!
posh spice & beckam
Paris Hilton
Naiomi Campbell
Any druggie celebrity
Old women with shopping trolleys who block the pavement
Busses that take an hour to travel 5 miles!
Everything else I hate! -
cazatwhit replied to the topic 42 days in the board Getting serious 16 years, 9 months ago
‘Simply because if some one is innocent they are not going to mind the police thoroughly investigating them, rather that than make a rushed wrong judgement, it get to court and go wrong, and if they are guilty it gives the police time to make a proper less rushed case, and if they can hold for 28 days anyway (is that right) its only another 2…[Read more]
cazatwhit replied to the topic get a council house for £150 in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
It’s not just immigrants. In our area, all the council properties go to the bloody pikies! The majority of the council housing is used by about 10 extended families – about 200 properties. They must all inter-breed!!
cazatwhit replied to the topic Useless parents in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago
I don’t know the full story in this case but surely it is useless parents who have brought up a child that can’t be left alone at 15! At this age they are almost adults and it is rediculous that they need to be treated like 5 year olds. Shame on the parents who have molly coddled their children so much that at age 15 they can’t even make…[Read more]
cazatwhit replied to the topic Call for annual £10 smoking licence in the board Getting serious 17 years ago
If this stupid law comes in, I can see that I will be going over the channel to get mine – it would work out much cheaper!
This bloody government would be much better if it would just chill out with a pint and a fag!
cazatwhit replied to the topic Land of the free bans low-cut jeans (sort of) in the board Getting serious 17 years, 9 months ago
I would love to ban anyone who is a bit saggy from wearing crop tops or low cut jeans – the belly hanging down to the knees is not a good look!!!
Also thongs on middle aged women and men wearing the same suit (trousers in particular) more than three days running – especially on a crowded tube trains. office worker’s crotch is a disgusting…[Read more]
cazatwhit replied to the topic Jesus rising from the dead in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 11 months ago
My daughter informed me that this bloke had lots of ‘forns’ put on his head and then he was criticised! That’ll teach him to stick to carpentry!
cazatwhit replied to the topic What can i call my new kitten in the board Chat forum two boards 17 years, 11 months ago
I have a black and white kitten with a hitler moustache and black markings on his head. He’s Stan the Man, Little S*it, Kitler – and it suits him. Poland is a bit too far for his little legs at the moment so he’s just returned from invading the library next door to us.
cazatwhit replied to the topic The "post the mad things you did at school" thread in the board Chat forum one boards 17 years, 11 months ago
We put the headmasters car up for sale in Exchange & Mart for a ridiculously small sum – and gave the school phone number. He went balistic!!! Never found out who did it though – and he deserved it, sanctimonious little prat!
Of course, this was in the days before credit cards etc when trust was still around.
I still scream with laughter when I…[Read more]
cazatwhit replied to the topic …and who should apologise to us, the British??? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 11 months ago
William the Conquerer felt he had a legitimate right to the English throne. Edward the Confessor had named william as his heir in 1051. On Edward the Confessor’s death Harold got himslef crowned quickly. With Pope Alexander IIs blessing (the pope was one of the most powerful people in the western world at the time) William believed he had a…[Read more]
cazatwhit replied to the topic Soldier’s family faces deportation in the board Getting serious 17 years, 11 months ago
Can’t we keep this poor woman and her daughter and deport UGO? From the look of his posting, he will not be a great loss!
cazatwhit replied to the topic yobs in the board Getting serious 17 years, 11 months ago
The two female yobs who assaulted me and knocked out 4 teeth are due in court tomorrow. I can only say that the police have been brilliant. I was attacked in front of my 10 year old daughter so she had to be questioned with video evidence, I had to have DNA taken and was very shaky.
The police knew the girls very well – had got them to court 5…[Read more]
cazatwhit replied to the topic Revealed: London’s white child slaves in the board Getting serious 17 years, 11 months ago
I would just like to point out that throughout history every nation has been enslaved by another. The American colonies and us British used people from the African sub continent – as did the portugese who were the first to export slaves from Africa. The Ottoman empire plundered the Mediteranean for slaves, the Roman empire plundered everywhere.…[Read more]