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  • #241373

    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    Just out of interest Geoff … do you have an opinion on this? (I may have missed it) or do you just like to try and point out flaws in others opinions?

    Is it any of your business?

    It’s a thread on a message board about a subject … just wondered if you had anything to add :)

    Guess not…


    Just out of interest Geoff … do you have an opinion on this? (I may have missed it) or do you just like to try and point out flaws in others opinions?


    @fastcars wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    :-k the only ones to side with teachers on this thread……..are a teacher :?: :?:

    Because mummy’s see no wrong in what their kiddies do … “awww they’re so cute! ” :roll:

    Just like the “mummy” who was called by the school about her kid’s behaviour then proceeded to have hysterics down the line because as she was talking to said teacher her kid was writing on a post-it “skool is sh|t” … “my teecher succs”. She then proceeded to tell this to said teacher.

    Now I bet a fair few of you find that highly amusing huh ??? That’s why you make bad mothers and your kids have no respect or discipline.

    Go figure!

    U wanna see fathers as they are standing on the touchline watching their sons playing football…. :-

    Night folks…. O:)

    Seen them too fastcars … know what you mean! :wink:

    Mind you so few actually have a father figure around now I guess at least they are there … hmmm :?


    @pats wrote:

    :-k the only ones to side with teachers on this thread……..are a teacher :?: :?:

    Because mummy’s see no wrong in what their kiddies do … “awww they’re so cute! ” :roll:

    Just like the “mummy” who was called by the school about her kid’s behaviour then proceeded to have hysterics down the line because as she was talking to said teacher her kid was writing on a post-it “skool is sh|t” … “my teecher succs”. She then proceeded to tell this to said teacher.

    Now I bet a fair few of you find that highly amusing huh ??? That’s why you make bad mothers and your kids have no respect or discipline.

    Go figure!


    @oss wrote:

    Theres loads of strangers here, i have gone all shy :oops: :roll:

    Yeah right!!! :P

    Hi :wink:


    @gyps wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @gyps wrote:

    I’ve received several messages lately in the form of poetry
    (thankyou Beeker! :D )

    Is he still doing that?

    That’s sooo old!

    Indeed it is Catz, as is your fling with him! 8)

    My what ??? :shock: :shock:

    I think you may be mistaking me with some other JCer

    I know of 2 he’s had flings with but I certainly wasn’t in that category! Perhaps in his egotistical mind … although maybe that means the 2 he told me about weren’t true either :lol:


    @tadpole wrote:

    My dad always told me if someone hits you, and you cant hit them back hard enough then pick something up, smack them with it and they wont hurt you again….guess what? I wasnt bullied at school, and that included the teachers. Give them a bit of power, they talk and treat you like s h i t and because your a child you meant to except this?

    Whereas teachers try to explain that hitting is against the rules and if they go around doing that as an adult it will have severe consequences (ie getting done for assault) Then kids go home and are taught a different set of rules … no wonder there is a total lack of discipline.

    Teacher’s have power ???? Hahahaha :lol: :roll: That’s a bloody laugh!
    Teacher’s nowadays have no power whatsoever … it’s all childrens rights this and that, and parentpower. We’re expected to put up with verbal and physical abuse from children and their parents but are unable to do anything about it. If you go to the management of the school incidents like these are swept under the carpet so as not to give the school a bad name :roll:

    I read in the paper the other day that there is verbal or physical abuse towards a teacher in the UK every 12 minutes :shock: And that’s not even close tbh as so many incidents are just not reported.


    @gyps wrote:

    I’ve received several messages lately in the form of poetry
    (thankyou Beeker! :D )

    Is he still doing that?

    That’s sooo old!


    Unless you work in a school you have no idea what goes on!

    The lack of discipline and parental responsibility is outrageous. Some people should just be sterilised at birth!

    Parents believe every word that comes out of their “little angels” mouths nowadays, then want to swear down the phone or threaten teachers. And they wonder where their children learn poor behaviour from?

    Looking at the first story from a teachers point of view I have played games similar to the “alphabet game” and often tell the children that the last person will have to do a forfeit of some kind. I usually use star jumps rather then press-ups though :wink: Generally this ensures the children concentrate on the task as opposed to dithering about or causing disruption.

    Teachers have a totally thankless task. We never get any praise from parents, we only hear from them when they have a moan that “little Johnny got looked at the wrong way” or “What do you mean you sent his work home because he refused to complete it in class” or “her sweatshirt’s got lost so what are you going to do about it?” (Oh buy her a new one of course! So surprised it got lost among the 30 other similar ones considering her name wasn’t on it :roll: )

    Someone in my school’s staff gets some form of abuse daily, be it swearing, getting hit, spat on, bitten.

    Maybe, just maybe if parents worked alongside schools instead of just seeing them as a child-sitting service then children, parents and teachers might all have a better time.


    Better to bake them for 8-10 mins imo

    Makes the mushroom go softer.

    Oh and to caramalise onions try softening them then adding a dash of balsamic vinegar and a touch of sugar. :D

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