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  • #240834

    :lol: ( I think!)




    What’s this all about? :?


    sod that! :lol:


    Ahhh the wonders of teh tinternet! :lol:


    My lovely lovely car … wasted money coz it depreciates so quickly but i had to have from new! :D


    @tiler wrote:

    It seems all the numbnuts are crawling out of the woodwork. :!:

    When you seek inteligent beings you are so often disappointed.

    Lighten up! :roll:

    And I’m the JC spellcheck so go and find another job!

    Actually I’ve been a bit lax in my duties of late so carry on ….


    @tiler wrote:

    But a post presented in a correct manner, tends to infer the poster is erudite, educated, and much more believable. :!:

    Wot dose u meen?

    I is alwys spking n teh write way, u as sum cheek sayin wee is knot intellajant u as!



    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    Just out of interest Geoff … do you have an opinion on this? (I may have missed it) or do you just like to try and point out flaws in others opinions?

    Is it any of your business?

    It’s a thread on a message board about a subject … just wondered if you had anything to add :)

    Guess not…

    Surely something you would never do is it… :wink:

    :? Ermm yes I would post what I thought on a thread …

    As I have, just wondered if you had any opinion Geoff. All I’ve read so far is you dissing others. So you see it may be interesting to actually have your “take” on this as opposed to just a slag fest.

    Do you get my meaning?

    Soooo seeing as you have taken this thread in so much and you’ve seen I don’t have an opinion (as I said, something you would never do on a thread … typical JC hypocrite), who are these ‘others‘ (collective, not singular) that I’ve been dissing huh? Surely Catriona you are not trying to say I’m the only one ‘dissing’ are you? Thats not very JC like now is it? So as you are so well read up on this thread, who are these ‘others‘?

    I think I grasped your poor sarcasm there … although I could be wrong :lol:

    My question is more to do with … “do you have an opinion?” as opposed to anything else … so …

    Do you?


    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @geoff wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    Just out of interest Geoff … do you have an opinion on this? (I may have missed it) or do you just like to try and point out flaws in others opinions?

    Is it any of your business?

    It’s a thread on a message board about a subject … just wondered if you had anything to add :)

    Guess not…

    Surely something you would never do is it… :wink:

    :? Ermm yes I would post what I thought on a thread …

    As I have, just wondered if you had any opinion Geoff. All I’ve read so far is you dissing others. So you see it may be interesting to actually have your “take” on this as opposed to just a slag fest.

    Do you get my meaning?

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