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  • #245668

    @DROP DEAD FRED wrote:

    @sunny wrote:

    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    @DROP DEAD FRED wrote:

    Well i can honestly say, i have not deleted my account, or using another name on these boards, im sure everyone will say im telling lies, but when i do eventually reveal myself, you will see :wink:

    Slight contradiction there methinks. :lol:

    Drop Dead Fred is one of the worst films I’ve ever had the misfortune to see. In fact, it was so bad I didn’t watch it to the end. :wink:

    Got to say DDF if you aint using anouther name how can you revel ya slef and we all will no you ??

    :shock: :shock:

    Silly brummie, Let me clarify it for you as you clearly can not work it out for yourself, i said im not a person who is using this site as another name, meaning this is the ONLY name i am using on here, and i have not deleted my account, your as dumb as fat head.

    What a polite young person!


    @squeezy wrote:

    Ps – I don’t give a shyte about all this ‘should she wear a veil’, should she wear a crucifix in case it offends someone else’…etc…etc….

    I believe that every person has the right to follow their own beliefs, whether Christian, Muslim, Hindu or fricking Jedi Knight….and if other people don’t like it then TOUGH – concentrate on your own life or f*ck off to another country.

    Well I don’t!

    Adjust to the country you’re in or f*ck off to another country I say!

    I like the Australian slant on things :D

    Read …


    @sharongooner wrote:

    What happened then? Will somebody please enlighten me?

    Is this yet another harmless thread being deleted?

    All PM’s welcome :)

    No idea about earlier but seen two of Tommy’s “whinging” threads deleted in the past hour or so …

    Along the lines of ” Ohhh pooor meeeeeee ..blub,blub, … I thought the people on teh internet was my fwiends :cry: :cry: Now i discovers they is just out to give me a doing … is it coz i is ginger? :( “

    etc etc


    How about rising above it ??

    There’s always one at work … this one might go but she’ll be replaced by another so why bother?

    I tend not to stoop to their level … just because I know I’m better anyway :wink:


    Maybe all your ” xxx” put her off …

    perhaps … :lol: :wink:




    Go on old boy!!!!




    Yeah! Go on whatever!


    OMG my Blackpool visit was madness!!! :P

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