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  • #77754

    Ooooo Matty … you’re in trouble now! :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Meanwhile, Ruby is probably sitting in her Dundee garrett slurping from a bottle of her favourite tipple and fuming and cursing at all and everybody.

    Ruby drinks ???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :wink:

    Oh and how lovely to see you frequenting the boards again Geoff, hope you’re well. :D


    @bat wrote:

    As for the little shits that flood the loos, well why arnt they expelled? I fail to see why other kids should suffer because of small minority of bloody little holligans. :evil:

    It’s called an inclusion policy … fraid you’ll have to take that one up with the government.

    Toilets cannot be monitored all day due to costs and there’s a lot worse than flooding them that goes on! Try having sh|t smeared all over the walls … and that was in a primary school!!!

    At her age surely she can control her bladder? And no, teachers don’t just get to go to the toilet whenever they want either. However most schools with toilet problems either use a signing out system or another child has to go to supervise any “troublemakers”.

    As for losing her jotter … have you never lost anything?


    @langstraat wrote:

    What the bloody hells going on? Catz and rubyred have high jacked my thread with their bickering, which one should I back the tv or sm?
    Guidance please

    I think you probably know the answer to that already :)


    You’re right … I’ve been posting here far longer than I should have :lol:


    now I’m really confused coz you posted your reply on a thread which doesn’t relate to where I posted my question …

    8-[ :lol:


    @rubyred wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    Maybe it’s just me but reading between the lines I think Langstraat believes “chatrooms” are a pile of sh|te … correct me if I’m wrong.

    WELL NOT REALLY Darling..i taeach 12 -14’s..and i teach special needs..i cant actually be assed ..yes its me as a lovely horse..:)

    are they affecting you these kids?

    Wtf did your post have to do with my post ??


    Maybe it’s just me but reading between the lines I think Langstraat believes “chatrooms” are a pile of sh|te … correct me if I’m wrong.


    Tough decision to make but if poss then let the sufferer have the least pain ….

    If they can make a decision then it should be their choice, not the choice of someone who is looking to help their life along and not the sufferers!



    What a polite old git!

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