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  • #396778

    lovely pics boo, what kind of dog is she and how old? she looks huge!


    so… plans for the weekend anyone??? We are taking the 5 year old nephew to the caravan for the weekend, so no doubt it will involve “a pizza party” “a midnight feast” and lots of hole digging on the beach :lol: and thats just for Tiggy :lol:


    Started to do a jigsaw on the lounge carpet with the two puddy cats trying to help tut at chewed up and missing pieces :lol:


    @will wrote:

    @catmanblue wrote:

    bum ache

    lol at bum ache

    tut :lol:

    today’s word: organised


    @jen_jen wrote:

    The dog drowned too.

    I have to admit I almost jumped in a river once after my dog when he got tangled up in some weeds and looked like he was drowning. People form strong bonds with their pets, and your natural instinct can take over and common sense can go out of the window, as it seems to have done for these two people leaving behind an orphan. So sad.

    I see what you mean, but you wouldn’t have left your baby in a pram unattended to try and save the dog surely?


    on a personal note based on my own views only: I am 41 and feel that although healthy I will be chosing not to start a family as in my own opinion I feel that I am too old to start to do so now and I will possibly regret this decision in later life but, again on a personal note, I feel I am too settled in my ways and lifestyle and it would be a tad selfish on the child to have one just cos I can and I would not be able to offer the long term care and upbringing due to me not being around.


    …. but what happened to the dog, did it drown or survive, and if it survived is it in the dogs home? :shock: Must admit, I’m an animal lover but I do worry about the mental state of folk who jump in rivers after pets leaving babies unattended in a pram on a bank. :shock:


    fed up :cry:


    bum ache


    When I told the sales cashier to put the change in the “CARROT” – and which I meant to say “CHARITY TIN” :lol: :lol: what can I say it was an orange tin like Sooty and I was on tablets :lol:

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