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  • #224412

    Ellie have a fantastic birthday sweetie xxx

    birfday hugssssssssssssss xxxxxx


    u mean ur surprised PB ???????

    hugsssssss xxxxx


    hmmmmmmmm gold cocoa huh??????? pmsl

    hugssssssss xxxxx


    hmmmmmmmm beeker lol …….u first pml

    hugssssssss xxxxx


    Ye of little faith magoo lol…….wheres the romance in ya soul fer goodness sakes

    pmsl :lol:

    hugssssssss xxxx


    hi magoo , i mentioned this subject on the why are we here on the boards a little while ago..although it hadnt got to this then……I first spoke to J last august, we have since been communicating through this medium ever since and both bought cams so we coudl see each other……head and shoulders i hasten to had…….not that kind of girl lol

    anyway this correspondence has been ongoin ever since…we have spoken on the telephone , emailed, msn etc

    this could sound a familiar story as there are probably lots of liaisons on here where people go dissapear.

    J is a real person and i had a real friendship with him, and confirmation of this very real friendship has come inthe form of his friend from Dubai contacting me. I know J’s mums lname but given the fact that she is probably getting on and is ex directory i dont think apart from beggin the operator to get a message to her what else to do.

    J’s friend is going to see what he can find out in dubai in the english quarter of the city so i await his news.

    ruby thanks for the information i have rung st oswalds……nothin doin i’m afraid drew another blank…..but every bit helps xxxx

    magoo no i havent yet met J…….but i will , i will be celebrating his 60th birthday with him in October……..i just have to believe that……i am not declaring undying love for this man, that would be silly, but he has been one of the best and most caring friend over these months i have ever had, and you would be surprised how a relationship and real feelings can grow even by this form of communication. Magoo i am not some flighty bimbo or a teenager i am a well adjusted human being who always lives life in the real world, and you know what i intend to keep on living it my way.

    thanks again for all those who are supporting me in my quest to find J and be by his side ……. and i hope to have better news soon

    hugssssssssss all xxxxxxx


    update on J. heard from his friend in Dubai again today, J’s sister rang j’s freind and was apparently a little evasive and he doesnt have her contact details..I have rang all the hospitals in newcastle and washington tyne and wear including private ones and drawn a blank.

    i have suggested to J’s friend he contacts J’s secretary as she must have his details on file and the english quarter in dubai are quite a close knit community so hopefull we will obtain some information that way.

    I am smiling today because at least i feel closer now to J through his friend and i at least we have an ally in each other …….

    for J x as u always tell me i’m smiling…..hard but smilin and hopin for you x x x x

    hugssssssssss xxxx and thanks to all who have offered support especially one kind user who lives in the area who has offered help, someone i have never particularly spoken to before….u lot are just stars!!!!!!!!!


    sweets not gonna lose any more in the absence of money to ave evryfink tucked i aint gonna end up wiv all that orrible skin u see on the makeover programmes lol

    an just to make u really sick i just lost it cos i woz ill lol…… i’m better just tryin to watch it hun…..dieted all me life an got me nowhere lol



    ok i’ll bite lol

    woz size 28 this time last year, now 20/22…….hmmmmm am i happy……yeah pretty much..

    hugssssssssss xxxx


    Hi Jenny

    welcome to the boards, have to warn u tho they are addictive lol

    i aint paranoid or owt like that ‘i only do wot the voices tell me’ ………..

    hugssssssss xxxxx

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