This is such a difficult subject, so many people have opinion on multicultural living.. All I have to say on the subject is to the powers that be i spose, stop forcin ‘political correctness on us’ let living with our fellow humans come naturally. I am not on about the hard core racists among our population of course there should be laws about downright nasty racism…..What i am onnabout is things like lets not advertise christmas for fear it will upset our overseas residents, etc etc…..spend money on educating us by all means about the different cultures but please please spend money on education our overseas visitors and residents about us too.
hmmmmmmmm not sure i got what i meant accross and sincerely hopes it doesnt sound racist cos its not meant to……..I do have to say tho people do have predjudices not just against colour or nationality, but against a whole range of things, red hair, names, size, religion, the list is endless…..take names for instance when i woz expecting my first child i said to my husband how about naming the baby ben if it is a boy, my then husband said ohhhhhh noooooo i had an uncle Ben and he woz a real B*****d!!!!!!!! i rest my case..
come on guys lets live and let live and remember its adults that install prejudices into our young folk ….
hugsssssssssss xxxxxxx