Forum Replies Created
22 June, 2006 at 10:11 am #225682
just wot is ur problem pb ??? those victims do of couse literally pay with there lives……..
this is hardly a subject for sarcasm or inane comments ………
22 June, 2006 at 9:55 am #225680i would just like to throw this into the ‘pot’……..whilst paedophiles and other such nasty people r getting there ‘rehabilitation’ and there so called life sentences, just spare a thought for their vicitims……..their life sentence is exactly what it says life!!!!!!!
hugggsssssssss xxxxx
22 June, 2006 at 9:37 am #227232Isnt it funny we complain about people talking in another language in our country and yet we expect everyone to speak english when we go abroad??? :roll: :roll:
hugssssssssssss xxxxx
22 June, 2006 at 12:44 am #227134do ya know wot???? successful people often do meet with this kind of ‘witchhunt’ mentality!! :roll:
hugssssssss xxxx
22 June, 2006 at 12:39 am #226365ffs !!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrr :roll: :wink:
hugsssssssss xxxx
22 June, 2006 at 12:37 am #227132dont mock the afflicted young tommy u mite be like it yaself one day …..dont say i didnt warn ya :roll: :lol:
hugssssssssss xxxx
22 June, 2006 at 12:35 am #226364no it didnt take long PB 80 wpm typist lol no doubt u lot will find something to take the p is out of that but hey heres 20p phone someone who gives a damn :roll: :roll:
hugsssssssss xxx
22 June, 2006 at 12:31 am #227131the thing is bout dianna is that she really did love charles as far as i know early footage of her clearly showed that she loved him…….. praps someone should be knockin his blatently obvious affairs first b4 dianna’s …….he may have been slightly more underhand than dianna but he had affair(s) never the less…… would u feel if u were married to a person who woz quite clearly in love with someone else….dianna woz chosen to bear children and possible heirs to the throne……..she woz in my opinion badly treated……..and as far as a legacy goes we are on bout her sons………yeah yeah someone is bout to go on bout how harry is a no good beer swillin wot ever…….u know wot its good to see a young man royal family or not have some fun
an u know wot PB dont go on about wot sort of role model dianna woz………wot bout the future king of englands conduct?????
hugssssssssss xxxxx
22 June, 2006 at 12:21 am #226360ForumHostPB wrote:
Maybe you should just keep your money in your own pocket. Giving it to an African charity is supporting theft and gross corruption – it will only line the pockets of some corrupt tin pot dictator anyway.What’s the point….. what they don’t take, they steal. In a very short while they’ll all be dead from AIDS anyway.
thats a very generalised sweeping statement PB……and i am somewhat a little surprised that some so called intelligent human beings think like this ….dont get me wrong there is corruption and ‘tin pot’ dicators in charge wehre they shouldnt be in charge, but there are also some very determined people who wil break wot seems to be the norm in africa …..abject poverty , aids etc…….it only takes one PB and i am sure that there are some very determined individuals in africa who will not die of aids………and will lead the way for others to follow and become self sufficient human beings….
the thing is PB as u know ……the way of life in africa is very different to our way of living, if u dont get an education then u have no hope……..PB i cant save the world but i am doin my best in my own little corner of it and if everyone did there bit in there own little corner then life would be better for all concerned……..
i sure hope that everyone in africa does not die of aids PB……….and i think u are out of order with that remark………but hey thats wot its all about aint it free speech…… i just wish that people who use there right fer free speech put there brain into gear b4 openin gob !!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr :roll:
hugsssssssssss xxxxx
21 June, 2006 at 8:47 pm #227423major chuftie crazy at that one :lol: :lol:
hugsssssssssssss xxxxxx