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  • #229046

    @pats wrote:

    @hermangrrrman! wrote:

    @lou-lou wrote:

    ffs got me crying now babes , and im sorry too , we have both been a couple of silly mares and listening to other people instead of listening to each other , ive missed you so much and of course everything is sorted, you know how much you mean to me and to the little one and im so glad we talked things thro , and today was lovely, it was like old times at work and for the first time in mnths i came home with a smile on my face xxxx love you loads hun xxx

    i love lesbians………….

    u bin listenin to mine n sunnys msns agen herman???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    yours n sunnys msns????? PATS UR DUMPED i fort u woz mine!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :wink: :wink:

    no hugs fer u my girl :evil: :evil: :wink: :wink:


    @pats wrote:

    well all i did was clap me feckin hands………… I’M avin the last word. [-(

    wanna bet pats????

    pmsl :evil: :evil: :evil: :wink: :lol:

    hugsssssssss xxxx


    pmsl is this one of the most succesful threads in post terms an such a short time too……

    oh ok then pml COME ON ENGLAND pmsl

    hugsssssssss xxxx


    always did like to have the last word PB bein a woman n all that pmsl ok done!!!!!
    (i hope lol)

    :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: :wink:

    hugssssssssss xxxx


    you know what this is getting completely out of hand. i do think i was justified in my actions and i uphold my right to free speech as i do tommys and everyone elses. like i said it was the subject matter for the joke that was the problem.

    beatty, please dont leave tommy will be back…….all of you that agree or disagree make the boards what they are, things are really out of hand now.

    can i ask that we all calm down and put the past firmly in the past where it belongs please.

    we are not kids, and despite some comments i am not humourless, i will say again it was the subject matter that was the problem not tommy, not magoo, not lamby, not james, not beatty not any of you .

    i look forward to some normality returning to the boards…..well no not really lol they were ok with the one or two exceptions lol……

    i would like to ask everyone to take a deep breath and see this for what it is , a misunderstanding to some extent, a bad choice of a joke, and a subject and topic that has gotten way way past the realms of sense…..

    i hope to see a return to the variety of subjects, friendly dissagreement , controversial topics and indeed tommy to the boards very soon





    @lancsman48 wrote:


    There’s a joke there somewhere but its too early in the morning…….. :roll: :roll: :roll:

    hugsssssssssssssss xxxx


    @lancsman48 wrote:


    surely its time to change the batteries at that point? :roll: :roll: :wink:

    hugssssssss xxx

    James Belfast wrote:
    Oh Dear! Tommy posted a topic that had a subtle message a la Brass Eye and nobody got it. Great idea, perhaps a little overstated for the audience – the sort of post that SHOULD have had all those who were initially shocked saying “Oh NOW I get it…tut tut Tommy, that was very naughty” but instead incurred the wrath of Geoff and all hell broke loose. I have no doubt Cath and Rubes were shocked and outraged but I assume they got the ‘joke’ eventually, even if they didn’t appreciate it.

    Was it crude – Maybe. Was it controversial – Yes (until you saw the joke – which TT had to explain to the nth degree to make sure even the morons and those who’se eyes were clouded by red mist got it). Was it too clever by far for this mwahh, lol, rofl, brb, wb, change a letter, read my shyte poem audience – YES. Should Tommy have got his knuckles rapped – Probably, but it WAS a joke.

    Magoo obviously got the joke but leapt on the chance to crucify TT as he has been waiting for this opportunity for years. Geoff could never understand why PB took a shine to TT and TT could never understand why PB had taken a shine to Geoff. So Geoff aired his ‘moralistic’ and (entirely fabricated) christian opinions knowing that he would get support from ‘outraged of JC’ and sat back and laughed whilst Tommy got kicked in the teeth.

    Why is everyone so shocked at Tommy’s paedophile ‘play on words’? The Chat Rooms are crammed to the rafters with REAL paedophiles and perverts (as any female chatter who leaves pc’s enabled can testify) and yet nothing is done to clear them out. Where is Magoos thread complaining about paedophiles in F2 and F3 and demanding the resignation of the Moderators?

    Tommy, to my certain knowledge, has done more than ANYONE to rid this site of paedophile scum and I can assure you that he will be sorely missed, as much as a guardian of the chat rooms as a wind-up merchant (and a frequent pain in the @rse) on the boards.

    Still, I suppose Magoo will fill Tommy’s ‘thread-starter’ slot and bring a new, vibrant, moralistic outlook to the Boards. There may even be plans to make Geoff a moderator, who knows? (You can hang around to see Geoff’s next move in JC or you can join his own exciting site now if you can’t bear the suspense).

    This should have nipped this in the bud from the beginning. Small tut @ Tommy for not gauging the reaction of the audience. Bigger tuts @ those who jumped on the bandwagon and shame on moderators for not jumping on Geoff.

    James i resent the fact that you are judging my reaction to this…..i found it offensive joke or not , i reported to the moderators i had found it extremely offensive , james this , on reflection, was said maybe tongue in cheek but tommy did know what he was doing when he posted it , he knew it would ‘stir’ some people up. However, joke or not the innuendos and the way it was written to me was not funny. James i dont know where you get off judging my reaction, you know nothing about me.

    I feel that there should be contraversial people on the boards, clever enough and witty enough to make people think, to stir a reaction, otherwise it would be like reading the peoples friend…….but , and this is a big but, i also feel that subjects such as the one that tommy ‘joked’ about is unnaceptable.

    I watched with a certain amount of disquiet to the holy row that followed…… has caused at least one of our female members to leave for a while……..i for one hope she will return……..

    James, I found this post offensive, i also found that the ensuing posts distastefull too….the almighty row that followed, the insults, the name calling uneccesary. People were saying that Tommy was young, yes they are right, but, these people then went on to prove how infantile they could be.

    The whole thing has gotten completely out of hand, and i did in fact pm Tommy to try and ‘build bridges’, i was met with a barrage of abuse…….still undeterred i would like tommy to return to the boards once he has calmed down, hopefully with a slight understanding at least of why this went down so badly.

    and just for the record James i didn’t get the joke, it was in my opinion poor taste.

    in fact your sentence (Why is everyone so shocked at Tommy’s paedophile ‘play on words’? ) says it all really………


    @rubenesquefemale wrote:

    I only got a red screen too…maybe it’s a men only site!

    nope still gettin just a red screen so could be a men only site/???

    hugssssssss xxxx

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