Our schools finish up 2moz at 1pm for the school holidays…. they don’t go back til 22nd aug me thinks…. ages away…
my lass day afore she stopped for easter break split her foot open… 2nite i had her up at A n E…. again…. split her knee open…. same leg..!!! luckly again… only butterflies put on them… great way for her to start the hoildays lol
so anyone got anything lined up for entertainment for the kids… i went out and got a new rope lol and laccy bands to make chinks…. got plenty of chaulk for beds….. got the bat n ball for rounders…. so im set…. plus we’ll find a can to play… kick the can… all i need to do is round up the mums n dads as well as the kids… for street sports…
do you and your neighbours join in the fun with the kids…???
ohhh and ive got the supersoakers looked out lol mine is the Ooziator…. canny find a picture of it…. lol #
Every year we hold a street party for the kids (and adults lol) we all put money in to buy cheap things for the winners of races (at the pound shop) and those that dont win get a lolly so they all get something our party starts at 3pm then after all races and games about 7pm we have a raffle that we all donnate to always have a gift indoors that we don’t like lol then it’s on to the disco till 12am then those that are still there go into someones house to carry on the party till about 4 am . we clear up in the morning followed by a BBQ then we do it all again without the races just b4 the kids go back to school gives them something to plan we just have the BBQ and disco this years theme was the world cup we have been doing it since the golden jubilee
JMMOG ARKS…. hows the J smokin f ooker…?? tell him carry on the fine work thought he was holed up in a Moroccan Jail cell havin a daily * dry bath * lol
id like to thx myself for a superb performance last nite… well done MJ…. c’mom MJ lol
Arkle is fine mary still smoking.And no hes in jail in my house since he moved in here 4 months ago lol :D :D And im allowing him to go to the world cup tomorrow to watch england.
It’s fake he’s never had hair that short and that aint his tatoo i got one thats nearly naked he’s just holding a little something to save his blushes makes him more sexy than seeing it all :lol: :lol:
I’m a big fan went to see him on Sunday in concert :D wot a brill day suppose it will be another 3 years b4 hes on tour again in the uk, he was realy p*ssed off about Wembley and thanked us all for not returning our tickets (as if)
Bit off the topic but when I went to see bon jovi at the weekend I was feeling pretty down about myself and my weight. They sang a song I had never heard before and it had this lyric in it
Remember that you’re perfect; God makes no mistakes.
I’m not a religious person and I dont know if it was just the atmosphere but the song really touched me and I realised why should I care what other people think, why should a strangers comment who doesn’t know me affect me. I started feeling alot more positive about myself. We aren’t all the same, life would be boring if everyone looked the same and I always believe beauty comes from within, you can’t help the way you look on the outside on the whole and if someone expects you to change who you are physically then they dont truly care about you. Someone can look “perfect” ( if there is such a thing ) on the outside but have a horrible personality, and in a relationship looks will only go so far, its the person inside people fall in love with. The main thing is you’re happy yourself
One of my fave songs it’s from his HAVE A NICE DAY album