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21 June, 2010 at 6:13 pm #442025
Hahahaha yea I realise it was sarcasm, no worries 8)
That was what I meant tho, they took away the choice by saying that any children not allowed to attend and watch it would be marked as absent, even though they were in school. There are some parents who would have been intimidated by this, Jo wasnt, it’d take a very brave man, or woman for that matter to try to intimidate her lol.
21 June, 2010 at 5:58 pm #442023In year 6, my godaughters daughter, came home from school one afternoon with a letter for her parents, inviting her parents to go and view a video on sex education that the powers that be in the school, intended to show the children. Jo went along, with her husband and not because she’s a prude, far from it! but she was shocked to find that there were parts of the said video, that contained sado masochism. Now ok, fair enough, it was no more than people dressing up in leather and wearing collars and chains etc., but not the kind of thing that 10/11 year olds need to know! Jo refused to let her daughter watch it, she said that she would still be in school on the day, but that she’d prefer that she be sent to the library, there were several other parents who felt the same. The school superiors, in their infinite wisdom, decided that any children not allowed to watch said video, would be marked as absent!!! Were suddenly now not talking about a choice anymore! Jo stuck to her guns, she said if her daughter were going to be marked absent then she may as well be absent and she was kept off school.
I think theres something very wrong with the minds of the people who are suggesting this. We live in a world where peadophilia is rife! there are those i’d imagine, who would say its even more reason to inform our children. Personally, i’d sooner allow them to be children a little longer.
17 June, 2010 at 11:20 am #442003One of the quotes in that report,,,,well two actually,,,,,,a predominently muslim area, and the other one being that these residents are upset at what theyve termed ‘the sneaky way the authorities went about it”
got something to hide then have they? :roll:
16 June, 2010 at 3:33 pm #441705
Australian Prime Minister does it again!!This man should be appointed King of the World. Truer words have never been spoken.
It took a lot of courage for this man to speak what he had to say for the world to hear. The retribution could be phenomenal, but at least he was willing to take a stand on his and Austrilia’s beliefs.
Whole world Needs A Leader Like This!
Susie, having just watched the video on youtube about the muslim protestors in Barking yesterday, I couldn’t agree more! If they feel so passionate about whats happening in their country then why don’t they p iss off back there!!
I’m sick to death of watching these morons get away with this. Can you imagine the uproar if we did this kind of thing at one of their marches or rallys, there would definately be arrests, and it wouldnt be them!!
Those muslim protestors were pretty much allowed to do just as they pleased yesterday, people outside of the pub though who tried to have their say were, i noticed, pushed back by the police!! outrageous, and shameful, shame on them!
2 June, 2010 at 9:17 pm #441398@tictax wrote:
he managed to evade police for 3 hours and kill 12 and wound 25 without being caught , so he fkin knew wot he was doing
I have to say you have a point. Someone who can evade police and continue on this killing and wounding mission of his, must in part at least, have some idea of what they’re doing.I’m so sorry Tictax. I can’t begin to imagine the sheer anger and pain your community must be feeling at this time. My heartfelt sympathies go out to you all.
29 May, 2010 at 7:16 am #440278I love Jodi Piquot Nemesis.
Iv’e read several of her books, find you get lost in the story, like your actually there, part of it.
I have one that my son bought me for my birthday ‘Change of Heart’, iv’e not started it yet, i’m going on holiday again soon and i’m saving it till then and looking forward to it. :)
20 May, 2010 at 7:59 am #440569
Both of these stories when I read them made me feel so sad. It seem we really do live in a very broken society, where no one cares anymore. The police have said that they hadn’t received any complaints regarding anti-social behaviour, whats the point!, they never do anything anyway, or they tell people they have to keep a diary of events before they can take any action, and what are the police doing in the meantime, oh yea! playing pool I expect, who the hell are we to think we can disturb them by calling and asking for help!
I live in sheltered accomodation myself, on the whole, its ok, fairly quiet. There have been occasions though, more when I was driving, that i’d spoken to a child about being careful playing in the car park, only to be met with a mouthful pf abuse. Now I dont bother, I no longer drive anyway, but if theyre playing in the car park and a car comes in too fast and hits them, tough! shouldnt be there in the first place.
How many of us though, have seen the situation of a mum with one, two or maybe 3 kid,
at rhe shops, and she’s screaming abuse at them, calling them every name imaginable, and then we wonder why so many kids have such foul mouths,,,their mumsespecially!!! :roll: .26 April, 2010 at 1:46 pm #438485pathetic :roll:
26 April, 2010 at 1:44 pm #438430I think theres something a little more odd is people who are so obsessed with the sex lives of others!!!!
26 April, 2010 at 11:24 am #438382@pete wrote:
Respect is given and it’s down to you to keep it or lose it. Your posts have lost you any repect with homophobic and racist ramblings backed up with personal insults to anyone who doesn’t agree with your extreme views. You’re an arsehole plain and simple with narcassistic tendencies probably due to the fact that no one else likes you.