I know Cas i aint saying ya did but it’s not right .. intefere with nature and it has a way of biting our arses.
To be told the drugs and the pregnancy could hasten cancer onset and still say thats ok go ahead… well it’s selfish
Ahhhh ok Pete. I didn’t know that she’d been made aware of the risks :wink:
Iv’e never said it was natural Pete. It was a choice she made, the menopause is usually the cut off date for women, but with the advances we have now in medical science it’s a choice a lot of pple are able to make now.
Wonder if pple would have the same reaction if she’d been a younger mother who’d died in a tragic accident, still be 3 yr old motherless twins wouldnt there.
Cosy,m,,,,,aka stoneman, after doing what he did yesterday and then claiming yet again!! today that it was his clone, and not him. How convenient :roll: