Forum Replies Created
24 October, 2009 at 9:26 pm #419711
@pete wrote:
Which is as it should be my argument is there is nothing wrong with religion the problem is people
Well yea I agree. And while I am all for free speech and everyone being entitled to their opinion, I still believe, like I said in the beginning that this protest shouldn’t be being considered. This isn’t going to be any peaceful protest, someone deaf dumb and blind would know that.
24 October, 2009 at 8:10 pm #419709@pete wrote:
If you aren’t informed about any religion then you can’t make a choice
Theres a difference between making an informed decision and having something forced upon you Pete, a big difference. Iv’e no objection whatsoever of learning about the beliefs of others, I wish to retain the choice tho, as to whether I take part.
24 October, 2009 at 6:54 pm #420095@forumhostpb wrote:
OK all conspiracy theorists ….. now’s your chance !!!
Your such a cynic PB :lol: :lol: [-X :-
24 October, 2009 at 6:52 pm #419707I have to agreee with most of what BM’s saying. I remember as a child, lots of kids the same, being scared shyteless by the nuns, telling us what god would do to us if we didn’t do this or do that, we didn’t understand, we were kids. I wonder who thought that one up tho, heres a good idea, we’ll scare them into submission. It’s no wonder i’m an athiest :roll: not totally I spose, i’d like to believe that theres something: Is there something to be said for the afterlife? who knows, is it real or is it just open to personal perception.
I said in the first place that I don’t follow my own religion, it has major major flaws in it, what doesnt I spose, but to me it’s different when your holding yourself up as a christian and you wouldnt know christianity if it bit you on the @rse. It should be about personal choice, no one has the right to force their religious beliefs on someone else and thats where it all goes wrong, there are far too many people, some of whom in fact, are being allowed to try!! to do, just that.
21 October, 2009 at 4:09 pm #419821Congratulations Stephi and Mark and Jack.
Will be thinking of you and hoping Rohan goes from strength to strength. Bless you all.
20 October, 2009 at 8:47 pm #419689An when you two have quite finished !!! [-X
*steals all the dime bars n curly wurlys,,,,,mmmmmm my fave :D )
20 October, 2009 at 8:14 pm #419685@minim wrote:
Pete, here’s a tip for you.. if the Angel Gabriel should come to you and give you a message… stick your fingers in your ears and hum very loudly so you cannot hear it.
We have enough religious groups already in this world without some starting a new one that involves Dimes.
I like Dime bars !!!
20 October, 2009 at 7:00 pm #419679@gazlan wrote:
SusieQ………your not even wearing any…… :o and wait till i tell you where she kissed me….. :wink:
Ok……..I….AM….NOT….A….MUSLIM……. :!: :!: :!: JUST FOR YOU CAS….. :!:
Why thankyou Gazlan, I shall treasure your quote :wink: :mrgreen: :- :- :-
20 October, 2009 at 6:23 pm #419675A Home Office spokesman said: “Everyone has the right to express their view so long as it is done sensibly, without violence and does not incite religious hatred.”
Sorry but I meant to quote this again,,, /// I know I know, I already did it once, but once more for just for Gazlan, case he missed it :wink: :mrgreen: :- :-
Surely the very nature of the march is inciting religious hatred :(
20 October, 2009 at 6:15 pm #419673Sorry I had a few phone calls to make and to take
I’m not sure I can clarify anything Gazlan. Like I said before it’s just my opinion, no one has to like it, it doesn’t make me any less entitled.
The Burkha issue? and perhaps finding myself with little choice!! oh really! watch this space!!
I’m not muslim Gazlan, like Kenty I suspect you are, and it makes no difference to me. I didn’t start this read on a racist note, i’m not racist, I have strong opinions, but it doesn’t make me racist. I feel it’s a card used all too often by some, as and when it suits.
I’m actually white, born and brought up in the east end and went to catholic school, christened catholic. I don’t practice my own religion because of the flaws and total hypocrisy of it, so i’ll be damned if i’ll have someone elses religion forced upon me. This entire country of ours now is multi-racial and that’s fine, each to their own, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere, sometimes, and it has to be drawn (in my opinion) against these fanatics, because that’s what they are.
The police havent authorised this yet
The rally has not yet been given final approval. A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said: “We have received an application for the march but we have yet to meet with the organisers.”
A Home Office spokesman said: “Everyone has the right to express their view so long as it is done sensibly, without violence and does not incite religious hatred.”
and interestingly
A spokesman for the Islamic Society of Britain said: “99.999 per cent of Muslims despise these people. This only serves to fuel racial tensions.”