Those pair of cretins will be there probably until the final 3, whether we like it or not :roll:
I can’t remember now who made the comment about their performance on Saturday night as being ‘authentic’, but I think that they too should maybe be stood against a wall and shot!!. Personally, as a big Queen fan, I don’t ever ever!! remember Queen doing ”rap”!! :twisted:
I told you i’d sponser you if you did a bungee jump off the end of the pier when the tide was out and without the rope,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you declined 8)
why aint the ppl that live nearbye doin sumet about the freak , they would here . one week tops
That occured to me tix, they seemed to be so non-plussed about the whole business!!
I’d like to know also, why his ”book”, in on the shelves of two of the most prolific librarys in the country. Who decides what books should be on the shelves!,,I think they should be removed and burned, and whoever made the decision to carry them, sacked!!! because they’re as sick as he is!!