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  • #434775


    @pete wrote:

    Possibly because there isnt one

    There is one, and that was my whole point, if it’s illegal, why isnt somebody doing something about it. Because its the same old story thats why, one rule for them, and another rule for the rest of us :roll:



    If it is indeed this criminal offence, one prosecuted by law, why then arent a team of officers despatched to the smoking room within the house of commons and arresting and charging those within it who are smoking?



    I too have used this herb for a good few years of my life. I no longer smoke it, I don’t smoke at all anymore but use it in other ways.

    I don’t buy into the argument that it leads on to other things, it doesn’t, it’s more having an addictive personality makes people try and become addicted to other things.

    It’s a real shame that I can’t get this on prescription :lol: There are many other drugs I can obtain via prescription, drugs that have done my body a lot of damage over the last year, drugs that have caused far more problems than I actually needed, all while trying to deal with the original problem of the amount of pain I was in, am in!!

    This herb :wink: I wouldnt say helps as a painkiller, but it helps as a relaxant. If I can relax the pain is less fierce. There are those that argue I could get relaxants from my GP, and I do, he was very reluctant to give them to me initially and he’s reluctant each time I ask for a repeat prescription of them, why? because theyre all highly addictive!!



    @florrie wrote:

    Why do people always blame the police for enforcing laws.
    The police have to enforce laws and systems made and passed, however unwisely by the present Government.

    No ones blaming the police for enforcing any laws! shame they dont do it more often, instead of wasting time and 6 officers on stopping a 14 yr old on his bike! course we all know what a danger general 14 yr olds can be eh!!



    Gaz I kind of know what you mean. The only other time my son was involved in any way with the police (before anyone starts on about youngsters :roll: ) was when he’d come into the shop where I worked, it was about a 100 yards from where we lived and he’d been on his way home from a freinds when he’d called in to see me, he was 14 at that time. He left and a minute or so later I heard raised voices, I looked out of the door and saw two police officers yank him from his bike! and slam him against their car! To say I went nuts would be an understatement!!.

    It seems that they’d been on the hunt for a stolen bike :roll: all 6 of them :roll: yea!! two police cars and six officers, for one stolen bike! what a wonderful, productive police force we have. It seemed Mikes bike fitted the description of the one that’d been stolen. I did ask did the bike belong to one of the officers children as such a fuss was being made over it. Luckily enough I was there, to confirm that the bike was indeed his and asked also, was there any need for them behaving in the way they had, he was after all 14 years old and no real match for 6 police officers. I was told quite sarcastically, that I could always make a complaint if I wanted to :roll: :roll:



    @gazlan wrote:

    Moonlanding ? Wasnt that a fraud set up in some desert area :o

    If Capricorn 1 is to be believed :wink:



    Oh well thats ok then! lets have these special drug taking places world wide, bit like the old youth clubs used to be! :roll: :roll:

    Why not go the whole hog and start having tesco and asda and sainsburys, selling drugs along with the alchohol and cigarettes :roll:



    I watched a programme last night with Billy Connely, it wasn’t one of his comedy ones, it was a serious discussion with his wife.

    He was saying that in Canada, you cant smoke anywhere other than your own back yard. While they have this thing in place about smoking, there are apprantly areas in cities where addicts can go and use their needles or take their particular drugs in peace, he said next thing I spose we’ll be having is a special lane for drunk drivers!!! :roll:



    Oh now who’s making assumptions!!! :shock:

    There are some people who once dressed in a uniform take on a completely new persona and firmly believe that theyre better than anyone else!!

    Had my son been behaving in an un-acceptable manner, I wouldnt have needed someone else to tell him, i’d have done that myself, he was 18 at that time, but I was still quite capable and not afraid to tell him if he was wrong! Surprise surprise, I am a responsible parent!! The person in the uniform did over react and cause an un-necessary scene, even after having been told by the boys that they’d no intention of getting on the ride! but were merely clowning around and not doing anyone else any harm!

    I didnt bother lodging any official complaint, its never worth it because nothing is ever achieved. Maybe i should suggest to the company who patrol the place that they should put signs at the entrances tho, signs perhaps saying that anyone smiling, laughing or acting in a generally clowning type of way will be removed!!!! as it is an offence!



    My condolences NCb to you and to your extended family xxxx

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