Cas replied to the topic Cannabis in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
I watched a programme a few nights ago, it was on during the night, I can’t remember what the programme was called but it was about Cannabis and it’s effects.
There were lots of tests carried out both on a human guinea pig and animals, they tested many different ways, different receptors in the brain, that kind of thing, some of it went over my…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic Jade Goody in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
Jade may well have had a colourful past, it’s a bit like that one of ”he who is without sin cast the first stone” scenario. It makes me a little mad when I see the likes of Jordan critisising her for selling stories of her illness/treatment, accusing her of using her illness to for whatever gain. What’s her excuse then!! Is there anything…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic A bit sad but ….. in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
I’m very sorry for your loss Charles xxx
Cas replied to the topic TOP 10 ……………. in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 1 month ago
Cas replied to the topic TOP 10 ……………. in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 1 month ago
Cas replied to the topic Money isn’t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 1 month ago
@will wrote:
@Cas wrote:
as⋅tute /əˈstut, əˈstyut/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uh-stoot, uh-styoot] Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.
2. clever; cunning; ingenious; shrewd: an astute merchandising program; an astute manipulation of facts.Origin:
1605–15; < L astūtus shr… -
Cas replied to the topic Money isn’t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 1 month ago
as⋅tute /əˈstut, əˈstyut/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uh-stoot, uh-styoot] Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.
2. clever; cunning; ingenious; shrewd: an astute merchandising program; an astute manipulation of facts.Origin:
1605–15; < L astūtus shrewd, sly, cunning, equ…[
Cas replied to the topic Is this sentence long enough? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
So I anticipate that you’ll be writing to the Independent Police Complaints Authority to complain about this terrible and disproportionate use of Police resources in dealing with a public indecency offence, when they should have been chasing around after real criminals???
Banks being robbed; homes being burgled; and all they…
Cas replied to the topic Is this sentence long enough? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
a) there’s no such offence of “pissing in a public place”
b) if it was your wall he was pissing all over you might possibly be slightly less outraged at the Police doing something about it.
c) Public indecency offences, such as the one you describe, are invariably dealt with by an ‘on the spot’ fixed penalty notice and not by… -
Cas replied to the topic Is this sentence long enough? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@kateee wrote:
i know someone who killed a woman by drink drivin…. i wont go into details its too gory but he only got 7 yrs BUT served only 3yrs 8months and still doesnt see what he did was wrong……….oh and he lost his license for 10 yrs still drives tho i have told the police about this as i fume over what he has done
Katee, I watched a…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic Is this sentence long enough? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
Plenty mitigating circumstances here tho, he’s given life! and ordered to serve a minimum of 11 years!!! wtf! 11 years isn’t even close to life, he needs locking up and the key throwing away,…[Read more] -
Cas replied to the topic Nicknames, are they wrong ? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
Yet another example of the pc brigade gone bonkers :roll:
Can we assume he’ll be refusing to drive a bus where the interior doesn’t meet his expectations next :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Cas replied to the topic Nigerian scammers in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
Enough warnings about eh Bat. :roll:
He became suspicious when she/he no longer was communicating with him, well done that man!!!! =D>
Falls under the same category as all of these women who you see stories in magazines and papers week upon week. Turkey, need I say more :roll:
Cas replied to the topic Nicknames, are they wrong ? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@jen_jen wrote:
I can understand how political correctness came about but I think it’s gone way too far now. The pc brigade will leap on any word they think of as being offensive, with no regard to the context in which it is used or if the person it is directed at is even remotely bothered by it.
A friend of mine always greets me with “owzit…
Cas replied to the topic Money isn’t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 1 month ago
Cas replied to the topic Money isn’t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 1 month ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Oooohhhhh Yes it is !!!
I thought panto season was over ,,,,,,,,,,, :-k :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cas replied to the topic my confession in the board Off Topic Chat 16 years, 1 month ago
You and I have crossed swords in the past Netty, but having read your post i’m truly sorry that you went through all of that and I wish you well for the future. x
Cas replied to the topic Derrrrrrrrrrrrrr in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
I cant find it now, but I did read yesterday somewhere, that someone did make a statement about who in their right mind would give a 17 year old such a powerful car to drive, first car, just passed their test etc etc.,
I agree actually with what that person said. My son rides a Squadra Corsa 125cc. He passed his CBT and a 125 is what he is…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic Derrrrrrrrrrrrrr in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
I expect that the streets of London are being combed for it as we speak (or type!).
I feel sorry for her protection officer who is dountless being unmercifully mocked by the entire Met.
Yea no doubt PB :roll:
Perhaps it isn’t a protection officer she needs, more a nanny?? :roll:
Cas replied to the topic Derrrrrrrrrrrrrr in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
I wonder just how many of our oh so wonderful police force have been assigned to
finding the poor little rich girls ”cherished” BMW :roll:Obviously didn’t cherish it that much did she, to leave the keys in the ignition to go ”shopping”, dozy cow :roll:
Oh well, easy come easy go, i’m sure daddy probably already has another one lined up…[Read more]
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