Cas replied to the topic you do know in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 10 months ago
@Pete wrote:
The problem is theres very few contributing. Sure some are only on now and then and some post but not often but as soon as someone says theres not many posting etc everyone assumes it’s personal and they’re being accused
I didn’t say it was personal or that any accusations were going on!!
I merely made the point that I felt it was…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic you do know in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 10 months ago
I think it all reached a point on the boards where something had to be done, it was getting ridiculous, people weren’t able to post anything without the numpties finding something abusive to say about it.
It may be quieter now, but a lot better, well I think so anyway :wink:
Whats the problem if people don’t post much, I certainly don’t think…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic Time to bring our boys home ?? in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
I think it’s double standards of course. Whatever the minority, if it’s ok for one, then it must be ok for the other, or neither.
I agree tho also with Mel.
It’s a whole dreadful situation. I’m fortunate that I don’t have anyone fighting out there, does’nt stop me respecting those that do. And those that do deserve a whole lot more than…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic Brutal children in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
@(f)politics? wrote:
I agree with cas, they can’t choose their parents who may have let them get away with it anyway, but atleast when schools could discipline and chastise kids it was better than nothing for those that did have parents who didnt care, now there is nothing for these children at all in the way of discipline and learning respect, the…
Cas replied to the topic Brutal children in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
Pretty much when the govt stepped in and said that children couldn’t be chastised, either in school or in the home. :roll:
On a more serious note tho, god only knows what makes children to this kind of thing to other children. I saw it this morning and i’m sickened by it. The 10 and 11 yr olds responsible? what’s going to happen to them?…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic brandon muir. a wee dundee boy. in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
His grandparents said that he had stolen their grandchild from them, taken his life. I suppose their daughter was innocent then :twisted: She was equally as guilty and I can’t believe that she’s gotten off scott free!!! It’s a shameful indictment of the judiciary…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic brandon muir. a wee dundee boy. in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
Signed Ruby.
Unbelievalbe. Maybe the courts who’d ruled previously that the child was in no danger need also locking up!!
He needs castrating, and her! they shouldn’t just sterilise her, they should take out her entire re-productive system, to prevent her from doing this to another child in the future, because sadly, we all know she will. You…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic It,s in our genes? in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
People like this make me sick Bat :evil:
There are genuine people, not morbidly overweight, morbidly underweight in fact, a personal freind who currently has an appeal going on with DLA, he can’t walk 10 yards without near collapsing! and yet he’s told by the DLA that he’s fit and able to work!!
As for their claim that they deserve more money,…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic Time to bring our boys home ?? in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
@tictax wrote:
pmsl @ the women always manage to change the topic , make a new post grrrrrrrrrrrr baby chat haha jk :)
I wasn’t changing the topic. I merely happened to ask Kenty how the baby was, short and sweet. You can return to the topic anytime you choose :roll:
Cas replied to the topic Time to bring our boys home ?? in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
@kentlass19 wrote:
it IS selfish but i think anyone with someone serving would feel the same
she’s great thanks, getting so big now! and more gorgeous every day :)
Awww gr8 :) not babies long are they, unfortunately lol,,,,,,,enjoy her, take care xxx
Cas replied to the topic Time to bring our boys home ?? in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
@kentlass19 wrote:
i would say pull them out but for purely selfish reasons…my brother is in 42 commando serving out there!
I wouldn’t say it was selfish Kenty. I can’t even begin to imagine how worrying it must be for you and the rest of his family. I hope he comes back safe and well to you xHow lil one by the way :)
Cas replied to the topic Time to bring our boys home ?? in the board Getting serious 15 years, 11 months ago
I totally agree, it was disgraceful that this happened, and no, we wouldn’t be allowed to do similar in their country, christ as you said, we can hardly say anything in our own without being branded a racist!!
Its got absolutely nothing to do with racism!!
If these extremists are so against what our! forces are doing in their country, why don’t…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic It’s not just Islam eh in the board Getting serious 15 years, 12 months ago
Of course the church is wrong!!
The doctors were right to perform the abortion in this instance,,,,,,,,,jeeees I hope that b@stard rots in hell! :twisted:
Catholicism = phhht!,,,,,,hypocritical bullshyte
Cas replied to the topic Vandalism by Pets in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
I had a cat, Mollie, never really grew much bigger than a kitten, but such a tyrant :lol: :lol:
Mollie was around a year old when we got a little westie, he was tiny too, he’d been
quite badly treated and we took him on, he was really a sweet little thing. They did eventually become really good freinds, used to sleep in the same basket…[Read more] -
Cas replied to the topic Chatters Pics… go on be Brave !! in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years ago
Cas replied to the topic supergran’s hen meet in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years ago
@blackkettle wrote:
ok loosen up you lot and….. chippy(in a dress) the venue has been decided…………..everyone going should meet in the “pret a manger” the coffee shop in trafalgar square and go on from there.
Know the ”pret a manger”,,,,,,,,,,,what time?
Cas replied to the topic Jade Goody in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
Agreed, no he wouldn’t swap places with her, and your quite right, it’s like all those pple who complain about tv programmes isnt it,,,they have an on/off switch!!!
Cas replied to the topic supergran’s hen meet in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years ago
*Waits for details of when and where*
I’d love to be there, cant wait :lol: :wink: :D/
Cas replied to the topic Jade Goody in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
@brigitte wrote:
Re Jade
She is a young girl, yes, i say young girl!! She didnt have the greatest of starts in life, isnt very well educated, doesnt speak well, has little confidence in her looks or her abilities and had little parental support from what i have read.
Despite this, YES DESPITE THIS, she became a celebrity, how the hell knows one…
Cas replied to the topic Cannabis in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
@Pete wrote:
Researcher…err hello canabbis user did the use of cannabis lead on to harder drugs
User… why no of course not
Researcher … and despite medical findings from scientific type people, has smoking de dope affected you in any way
User.. why no of course not
sorted then :wink:
It wasn’t that simple Pete, if only eh :roll:
No…[Read more]
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