Cas replied to the topic Justice is served !!! in the board Getting serious 15 years, 8 months ago
How awful!
Despite your ‘if only’s’ tho Melody, as the judge said, god knows why but she loved him so you probably wouldn’t have been able to do anything to save her.
RIP Klara
Cas replied to the topic Tax on broadband in the board Getting serious 15 years, 8 months ago
Picking up on your point about the fags n sweets kenty.
We used to have a woman come into our branch each week. She had 4 kids, ranging from pushchair to toddler. She was on benefits, she’d buy her vodka her cigs and like you said, god forbid one of the kids should ask for a bag of crisps. The language to those little ones was unreal.…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic Interesting Point in the board Getting serious 15 years, 8 months ago
@Pete wrote:
Ive no doubt he is Cas, and i’m not remotely suggesting “older” mums should terminate, thats not right, but to actively seek to become pregnant at 66 smacks of more money than sense both on her part and that of the clinic.
Thing is tho Pete, whether we like it or not, it’s something thats available these days, and people are living…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic Interesting Point in the board Getting serious 15 years, 8 months ago
@Pete wrote:
If it’s natural then fine, and even some help with younger women who cant conceive, but at 66 it’s just laughing in natures face and it’s not right it’s not meant to be it’s pontentially lethal for the mother and her child could easily be an orphan at 4 yr old especially if the childbirth takes something out of a system thats already…
Cas replied to the topic Interesting Point in the board Getting serious 15 years, 8 months ago
I take all those points on board.
Personally though, and I can only speak for myself, I sailed through my pregnancy, was never healthier.
There is a natural cut off point for women called the menopause, after that theres intervention. Who’s to say who’s right and who’s wrong, but as the young man who wrote article implied, baby P would have…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic Interesting Point in the board Getting serious 15 years, 8 months ago
I agree Poli, good points made by the young man in question.
I was, well still am lol, an older mum. I was judged by the ‘younger’ mums at the school gates etc etc. My son nearly 21 now, he doesn’t seem to have suffered due to it. He is in fact an intelligent, articulate young man, who I happen to be very proud of :wink:
Cas replied to the topic Marriage.. in the board Polls 15 years, 9 months ago
Why isn’t there one for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wouldn’t get marriage,,,,,,(again),,,,,,,ever!!! :wink:
Cas replied to the topic Susan bloody Boyle in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 9 months ago
@Yoda wrote:
FFs are you all as thick as you look? Lilly Allen never said she was an outstanding singer… I myself am not fussed on Lilly Allens type of music. However she raised a valid point about Susan Boyle being overrated. I agree with her. I didn’t ask any of you to agree with me or bloody Lilly Allen. I expressed my view and asked for…
Cas replied to the topic pensioner pregnant in the board Getting serious 15 years, 9 months ago
3. “She” is presumably the new wife – however, from the attitude shown by the daughter (as described above) it would appear that the daughter is more bothered by how much SHE will get than with her father’s happiness.
I was thinking that too PB. :roll:
Cas replied to the topic Bloody useless social workers in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
You’re right Cas …. and yet….
If the Judge had intervened and stopped the defence counsel from cross examining a witness, he might very well have given cause for the defence to either declare a mis-trial or given them grounds for appeal.
There is a very fine line to be drawn between allowing a witness to be cross examined…
Cas replied to the topic Bloody useless social workers in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
This is an appalling story which should bring a chill to the heart of any right thinking person. Sadly, the vicious abuser apparently has done this sort of thing before.
Think also of baby P’s mother who happily co-habited with this guy and surely MUST have known or suspected what her ‘boyfriend’ was capable of doing.
Cas replied to the topic Bloody useless social workers in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
@Pete wrote:
I was gonna say they’ll put him in solitary for his own protection but i’m pretty some wardens attention will be distracted “accidently”
Of course they will, Section 43 I believe it’s called. But where theres a will theres a way, and the ones that want to find it normally do :wink:
Cas replied to the topic Bloody useless social workers in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
@Pete wrote:
anyone changed their mind on the kill him issue yet ?
I’m sure theres plenty would like to see that, truth is tho, its never going to happen. Best we can hope for is that once he starts his sentence he won’t stay anally retentive for too long.
Cas replied to the topic How disgraceful,,,,,,,,, in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
Do the pits, the closures, or anything else to do with the pits have anything to do with the original topic? :roll: :roll: :roll:
Cas replied to the topic The sooner the better in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
@Quiet_Man wrote:
@Bassingbourne55 wrote:
Arguably, whatever their past histories, these two men have probably prevented a lot of killings in the last ten years plus by becoming part of the peace process. Same goes for any of the loyalist former extremists who gave peace a chance.
So the evil they committed is outweighed by the (possible) good…
Cas replied to the topic Mrs Supergran’s wedding in the board Chat forum three boards 15 years, 10 months ago
@brown bear wrote:
were are the piccys of the wedding nite Super??? lol :D :D :D :D :D xxx brown bear
[-X [-( Tut,,,,,,,,locks the norty bear in the cellar***
Cas replied to the topic Poor them… in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
Makes yr heart bleed eh :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cas replied to the topic I just wanted to look like her….. in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
I couldnt get the sound on that,,,i’m on a borrowed pc at the moment, mines sick
and in the hospital
I did get the gist tho jen jen.
Waspish how and where does child abuse come into this, she’s not a child, the daughter, she’s 29.
I read tho, couple weeks ago in a magazine. The mother of a 12 yr old, who has regular…[Read more]
Cas replied to the topic health and safety ??? in the board Getting serious 15 years, 10 months ago
@tictax wrote:
im talkin bowt health n safety in the wrk place , im in constuction , a few examples are scaffolders clippin on when off the ground at any height , lanyards 6 foot wudnt help u if u fell 2 foot , trigger times on drills , scabblers etc , some ur allowed to use for a matter of minutes only, these glasses they make us wear arent…
Cas replied to the topic you do know in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 10 months ago
@Pete wrote:
And nowhere did i say you did… but that just sorta proves my point and whats the point of joining a message baord if you never post ? Theres people joined yrs ago and no posts :?
And I didn’t infer you did either, just making the point clear of what I was saying. In your own words tho, if the cap fits etc etc etc.,
As for pple…[Read more]
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