• Cas replied to the topic Not just smokers in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    Mel you have your reasons and thats fair enough, your entitled just as anyone else is to their opinion.

    I too have my reasons, I too have an opinion, and frankly, it’s the overall non-smokers attitude that annoys me more than anything else. Do I invade their lives and tell them how they should live it, no! it’s not my business, so neither, so…[Read more]

  • @minim wrote:

    The thing is…. this is supposed to be a free country. That means that everyone has the right to free speech, the right to protest and demostrate and the right to follow their own religions. That is why i want to know what the rules for having a peaceful demonstration are. Because something in those rules is biased.

    Thing is, it…[Read more]

  • @tictax wrote:

    cas last year in luton our soldiers where abused by islamics at a march, the councils allowed them to have , the same councils , same town, refused a march to mark st georges day a few weeks later

    I know tictax, I saw it on the news and thought how disgraceful it was. If they don’t like it here, or the laws of this country, then…[Read more]

  • @minim wrote:

    That caused a stink when it happened tictax, I remember. I wonder what the criteria are for allowing demonstrations these days?

    By the way, I uphold the right to protest in public… demonstrations are part of our democratic society, so its ironic that islamic extremists want to use such a well known democratic process to air their…

    [Read more]

  • Cas replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 4 months ago

    OMG weren’t they just Tweety.

    Was real cringe worthy tv that performance :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • Cas replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 4 months ago

    @tictax wrote:

    i actualy felt a lil embarrased for that 16 year old lad , simon was spot on with his critism , wtf was cheryl thinking of giving him that song (bleeding love )

    It was diva week, I think most of the songs were too big for any of them, with the exception of Jamie, who did a fantastic job. At Last? Lovely song (okok I know, i’m…[Read more]

  • Cas replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 4 months ago

    Sadly, I doubt they will get booted, not this week or in the foreseeable future :( :roll:

    I agree with you though Tictax, the georgie lad, Joe I think his name is, Stacey and Jamie, all in with a good chance, the rest of them,,,,,,,,nahh!

  • Cas replied to the topic Not just smokers in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    @Melody wrote:

    My dad gave up on his first attempt…. but then again having a lung removed for cancer is enough to make you give up I suppose. Too little too late however.

    Non smoking nazi’s??? Is it too much to ask to breath clean air? Dear God get a grip PB, you are acting like the baby who threw his dummy out of the pram.

    No it’s not too…
    [Read more]

  • Cas replied to the topic Not just smokers in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    Something people seem to be forgetting here is that smokers have just as many rights as non smokers.

    Just because you smoke doesn’t mean your any less a person that someone who doesn’t, but the non-smoking brigade won’t have that eh, no were some kind of moronic species that don’t deserve anything. The non-smoking brigade got their way and had…[Read more]

  • Cas replied to the topic RIP Stephen Gately in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    It seems to me PB, that unless your going along with the general consensus of people tripping over damp tissues in the mass cryathon for Stephen Gately, your opinion wrong.

    Thank god for free speech!! :roll:

  • Cas replied to the topic RIP Stephen Gately in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    @Reason wrote:

    And as for narrow minded backstabbers who where quick to turn before they knew facts then you made a good impression of that,you don’t know half cas and yet again you spout your evil bitterness for no good reason.

    It was nothing to do with facts. It was more to do with you not liking what you were hearing and then being as nasty…[Read more]

  • Cas replied to the topic RIP Stephen Gately in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    No it wasnt as ‘good as’ Will. I know what I said and I know what I meant.

    And coming from someone who stamps his feet and spits his dummy when someone dares to correct him or say no thats not what you mean will, I think you’ll find ‘hypocritical’ fits that one nicely :roll:

  • Cas replied to the topic RIP Stephen Gately in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    @Reason wrote:

    @Cas wrote:

    @Reason wrote:

    Wakeup was the only numpty i could see,wanting to show moi his “nuts” on m sn,silly man must be as bent as a nine bob note :shock:

    I think your confusing sarcasm with any real interest in seeing yours or anyone elses ‘nuts’ on m s n. Run along n play with yr action man :roll:

    Worst attempt at sarcasm…

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  • Cas replied to the topic RIP Stephen Gately in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    @Reason wrote:

    Wakeup was the only numpty i could see,wanting to show moi his “nuts” on m sn,silly man must be as bent as a nine bob note :shock:

    I think your confusing sarcasm with any real interest in seeing yours or anyone elses ‘nuts’ on m s n. Run along n play with yr action man :roll:

  • Cas replied to the topic RIP Stephen Gately in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    Hmm we won’t even go there Cas (no offence intended).

    None taken Sarah :wink:

    and before people like thin ice start saying that i’m backtracking, i’m not. Nowhere in my posts did I say he deserved to die, no one deserves to die before their time but some bring about their own demise by the actions that they take, and in my own view are…[Read more]

  • End of the day, people who judge others on how they look aren’t worth knowing or worrying about in the first place :)

  • Cas replied to the topic RIP Stephen Gately in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    Oh and btw, do I have experience of this, yea actually I do.

    A very dear freind of mine died at the age of 47, due to his use and miss-use of drugs over the years. He knew better than to expect sympathy from me. Talk to him yes, discuss it yes, which we did, on numerous occasions. Yes also, I felt sorry for his children when he died, he was…[Read more]

  • Cas replied to the topic RIP Stephen Gately in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    Horse for courses and each case is different. Do I feel sympathy for a reckless driver who kills himself, no! I do feel sorry for the person they may kill or injure whilst they are recklessly driving though, it isn’t their fault!! I do actually also feel sorry for those left behind, the families of those who bring about, for whatever reason,…
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  • Cas replied to the topic X Factor …… in the board Off topic chat 15 years, 4 months ago

    Wev’e all seen haven’t we, Louie slating people in the first auditions stage, who have been in fact, better than those twins!!

    I don’t think they should ever have gotten thru the first audition stage, remembering having seen them and thinking omg!! much less to the final 12!! I think Will has a point in that theyr’e irish, and that’s why Louie…[Read more]

  • Cas replied to the topic Labours record in the board Getting serious 15 years, 4 months ago

    @ForumHostPB wrote:

    @SusieQ wrote:

    @sarah_1 wrote:

    @minim wrote:

    So, having sold off our gold reserves for a fraction of their worth, Gordon Brown is set to sell off our libraries, our railways, our power supplies and our betting shops.

    I think we should perhaps join him, and have garage sales, and car boot sales, and do sponsored cake bakes in order…

    [Read more]

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