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  • #517507

    Danny unless you have anything to say about the reflections of blurry roosters. i suggest you get back to your dayjob of making cups of tea all day for the real men.


    i dont prefer the blur. by ”the reflection is always blurred” i mean that no matter who you think you are, or how you have sculpted your excistence. what morrality you have. then you are always going to have to act in a different way to how you would usually react based on many variables. switching character briefly. Clarity in this situation, would kindof be like.. archi. the puppetmaster, looking in at his lovestruck teen persona, his puppet. but knowing it is just a puppet… We can all find clarity in knowing it is just a puppet too. and maybe even find humour in it? instead of being worried about wether archi is going to turn into a rooster, full time…What does he have to gain from this?. ask him… escapism from being creative maybe?…..By saying ” consumed in somthing false” . yes i do believe you are saying it is ”fake”. fake for you maybe. For archi (the version where he is infact in love with you , and not just having a laugh) then it may not be. there is no truth. only perspective. But what i am saying about adapting and being tactful and compromising for our own peace is true for all of us. so i feel i have the right to say it.
    sorry you didn’t understand the poem. the rooster is a creative mind…. work the rest out


    Everyone has there own character. everyone also has the ability to adapt to their surroundings and adapt their character. For example. if you are shown a really ugly baby. of course you are not going to say ” your baby is f**king hideous” you say ”awww , isn’t he cute!!”. as you realise that it is for the greater good of everyone if you do not let your true character say what it wants to say.. we do this all the time in many situations. switch and adapt our characters. it’s called being tactful. we are all fake, when we have to be fake. it is of my view that in a chatroom scenario , especially one where there is bullying and racism, stuff that you would normally just walk away from or fight against….. why not become a character that tollerates this sort of thing for a while.. … you are still yourself. but you have adapted to survive. We generally compromise for our own peace or our own gain. . and as for being inhumane, well as i stated Archi was just as devicive as me, heck. he suggested putting it on the boards in the first place, so who is really pulling the strings here?. why would he mention the stuff about marriage or the stuff about his dog if he wasn’t having a good giggle to himself? there were no feelings hurt here. except possibly yours because everything is real nowadays. The reflection is always blurred. if it wasn’t. there would be no peace…. it’s also slightly contradicting to say that you realise there are real people behind these screens but somehow love is less strong or less genuine online to the real world. people in the real world can be just as disengenuous and their real motives can be just as hard to spot. i don’t even believe in anything i’ve just written. i’m only writing it because i’m self serving. egotistical. self important. ..bored…and human.

    A Parody on “A Psalm of Life”

    Life is real, life is earnest,
    And the shell is not its pen –
    “Egg thou art, and egg remainest”
    Was not spoken of the hen.

    Art is long and Time is fleeting,
    Be our bills then sharpened well,
    And not like muffled drums be beating
    On the inside of the shell.

    In the world’s broad field of battle,
    In the great barnyard of life,
    Be not like those lazy cattle!
    Be a rooster in the strife!

    Lives of roosters all remind us,
    We can make our lives sublime,
    And when roasted, leave behind us,
    Hen tracks on the sands of time.

    Hen tracks that perhaps another
    Chicken drooping in the rain,
    Some forlorn and henpecked brother,
    When he sees, shall crow again.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes

    think outside the box/pen/shell .. be a rooster… be a parody of a love struck teen.


    The trick is. to paint into the mirror you gaze into with slightly translucent paint so you can still see your true reflection. remaining an outsider looking in. If you allow yourself to become involved in anything too ”real” then the likelyhood is that you will find this an unpleasent experience. Become a character, its not being fake. its being smart. we do it in real life too.. being polite to our bosses when we hate them . pretending that baby is pretty when its really ugly.. I’ve always thought Archi has been in complete control of what he’s doing. Just passing the time. entertaining himself.. having a laugh basically. The paragraph i wrote was just to entertain myself. That is a great poem in that video. It’s all about finding a balance though. I use this mainly as a platform to create somthing. in real time, with instant inspiration from multiple sources. i really dont know what i would replace it with if it wasn’t here. it might be a fake enviroment but my ideas are real. and that’s all that matters to me. Also , you might see alot of fakeness online. but people are also willing to be more honest, alot more honest than their fear of judgment in the ”real” world would allow them to be.


    no it’s not a joke. archi did ask me to write it. deadly seriously. everything in that paragraph stemmed from what he said to me. i just expanded on his points. the stuff about mariage and killing his dog came from him too.


    i see danny is back on f3 boards again. i wonder how long it will take him to private message an old granny again asking her for se’xual favours… :lol: this thread is beyond retarded btw.


    dont crust up my topic with your cheesey smeg please danny. this is for non commercial underground music that doesnt get the credit it deserves. shove your basshunter up your fundemental orrifice


    ive been using this for gym for 2 weeks now, it is indeed one of the best mixes ive done, done with hard trance now. trance all the way!!



    simon o’shine- your distant world (original mix)
    indecent noise- phobia
    peter plaznik- mental asylum
    khoMha- dusk riddles
    paul webster- the joker
    jamie drummond- joyride
    daniel kandi+ robert nickson- liberate (paul miller remix)
    jamie drummond – orphan
    proculture- perpetual motion
    tranceye- melodramatic (sulaco remix)
    jason newall- dropkick
    jase thirwall- gobstopper (indecent noise remix)
    bowdidge and taylor- power cut (indecent noise remix)


    andy blueman- sea tides (original mix)
    tranceye- melodramatic (sulaco remix )
    oen bearen & tranceye – bushido (ex driver remix)
    glensk- pacific blue (daniel kandi’s bangin mix)
    afternova – serenity (andy blueman mix)
    daniel kandi & robery nickson – liberate (paul miller remix)
    any blueman – neverland (original mix)
    oen bearen & tranceye – kinesis ( ex driver remix )
    ferry tayle & static blue – trapeze (daniel kandi’s emotional mix)
    andy blueman – time to rest (daniel kandi bangin mix)
    tuomas j – skyline (tranceye mix)
    robert nickson & daniel kandi – re- wire (avenger remix)

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