I was a vegetarian for almost four years, and when I met my present boyfiend he bought me a quorn burger from Maccies (MacDonalds) and It was absoutley gorgeous, untill that is he later told me it was a real chicken burger, I felt sick later on but then realised that I had still enjoyed it and from that moment on I stopped feeling guilty and became a ‘meat eater again.
But personally, I still have high standards of how chickens, cows, etc… should be treated before they are slaughtered. It is only right for them to be surrounded by good living conditions – it makes sense. If they are healthy and happy the meat will be good quality.
I have saw a few programmes were animals have been slaughtered, and I had to turn over. I couldnt stand watching it, and I remember feeling alittle sick at the time. But If I was to eat a chicken burger now, It probably wouldnt pop into my head, not unless of course it happened to be on the TV at the same time.