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    @pete wrote:

    You could send them to prison make them go cold turkey (which lets face it works) the they could sue the government and win :P

    pml here pete, like there’s no heroin in prisons!!! Go in with smoking the odd spliff come out addicted to heroin. And……………..then the Gov puts you on a methadone programme to make sure you are well addicted prior to release to make sure that they keep below their targets of opiate related deaths in released offenders.


    @gazlan wrote:

    My apologies….i didnt mean to be rude…..can you prove these people are illegal imigrants?

    apology accepted

    OK I may have assumed that they are illegal immigrants; they may just be immigrants supplementing the vast amount of money that they are given by the Irish Government.


    @pete wrote:

    @brigitte wrote:

    Little Willy gets chocolate confiscated from his lunch box on a daily basis. If he gets heart disease, type 2 diabetes, dental cavities, obesity, it isnt his parents fault, its my fault, because we get blamed for everything!!

    discuss :lol:

    I’m a teacher Pete, thats why its my fault


    @gazlan wrote:

    Back up what you say

    Go take a walk up O’Connell Street and see for yourself.

    AND………………I reiterate HOW RUDE :shock:


    @pete wrote:

    TV and computer games blamed for return of rickets

    The many hours children spend indoors playing computer games or watching television may be to blame for a resurgence of rickets.

    Scientists say that rickets is becoming “disturbingly common” among British children. The disease is caused by chronic vitamin D deficiencies, which can be triggered by long periods out of natural sunlight and a poor diet.

    Writing in the British Medical Journal, Professor Simon Pearce and Tim Cheetham, of Newcastle University, called for milk and other food products to be supplemented with vitamin D in an attempt to counteract the problem.

    Vitamin D is produced naturally when the skin is exposed to sunlight, and is also found in a
    On the wrong diet a baby will become rickety in a palace, and will lie lethargic and unexercised

    Sunlight and rickets, 1922

    Recent studies show that incidence of rickets, a disease previously linked with poverty in Victorian Britain or malnutrition in the developing world, is increasing. More than 20 new cases are discovered every year in Newcastle alone.

    Children with rickets do not grow properly and can develop bow legs.

    Professor Pearce said: “Kids tend to stay indoors more these days and play on their computers instead of enjoying the fresh air. This means their vitamin D levels are worse than in previous years.”

    Dr Cheatham, a senior lecturer in paediatric endocrinology, added: “I am dismayed by the increasing numbers of children we are treating with this entirely preventable condition. Fifty years ago many children would have been given regular doses of cod liver oil, but this practice has all but died out.”

    Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancers and the weakening of bones in adults.

    Half of all adults in Britain are estimated to suffer vitamin D deficiency in the winter and spring — one in six severely so, with the problem worse in Scotland and the North of England. Asian populations and individuals who cover much of their skin for religious reasons are also at increased risk.

    Professor Pearce added: “We believe that a more robust approach to statutory food supplementation with vitamin D, for example in milk, is needed in the UK, as this measure has already been introduced successfully in many other countries in similar parts of the world.”

    The Food Standards Agency has resisted calls for mandatory supplementation, insisting that “most people should be able to get all the vitamin D they need from their diet and by getting a little sun”.

    It advises pregnant or breastfeeding women, and people over 60 to take take 10 micrograms (0.01 mg) of vitamin D each day. “Taking 25 micrograms (0.025 mg) or less of vitamin D supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm,” it says.

    A study of 520,000 people from ten European countries, including Britain, has suggested that vitamin D supplements could also cut the risk of developing bowel cancer by 40 per cent.

    The research, led by Mazda Jenab, of the International Agency for Research on Cancer in France, and published in the BMJ, confirmed the findings of earlier studies, which found that high blood levels of the vitamin were associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

    However, the researchers said that it was unclear whether taking vitamin D supplements would provide better protection against developing cancer than the average levels that can be achieved with a balanced diet combined with regular exposure to sunlight.

    Pete, just blame it on us teachers. We can’t let the children in our care play outside in the sunshine any more because we will get sued if they get sunburned. We can’t put suncream on them to stop the sunburn in case they are allergic to it or in case we get sued for touching a child. Perhaps we should just feed them bucket loads of margarine which has beenfortified with vitamin D


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    There is one aspect of this whole sorry mess that puzzles me. Why choose heroin as a means of killing (or murdering) her son and how did she know where to get it?

    It wasn’t the first time she’d tried to murder him by giving him an OD of heroin either.

    I reckon that most people wouldn’t know where to buy the stuff (illegally) and wouldn’t use it as the murder weapon of choice in any event.

    As I understand it, the mother was a nurse and would have had some medical knowledge. If she wanted to murder her son in a painless way, surely the ‘plastic bag over the head’ method would have been far simpler and equally ‘painless’.

    I find myself wondering if there isn’t more to all this than initially meets the eye?

    Sorry please dont take this the wrong way, but what planet are you living on?

    Any of us could probably get almost any illegal drug we want within 5 minutes of leaving our house if we put our mind to it!


    @gazlan wrote:

    Hi hunni bunch!!!! Happy new year! I wouldn’t want Birmingham to be like Dublin, where all the illegal immigrants are out begging with young babies in their arms.




    @delbert wrote:

    Hi Members,
    I am a new member and this is my first post and it is a serious one (sorry to say) Both of the subjects have affected me,let me tell you a little bit.I am 38years old and I am a recovering alcoholic who has been sober now for 3months,not even the odd glass of beer with dinner.At the age of 31 I suffered a stroke caused by my 24/7 drinking.A clot formed in my brain causing a blockage which one night exploded causing a bleed on the right hand side of my brain and leaving me disabled on the left hand side of my body and epileptic due to scarring on my brain.I have felt so strongly about these two subjects one, alcohol which is getting more and more press these days and two stroke,the third biggest killer in the world and a big cause of disabilities in so many people that during my rehabilitation from my stroke I writ a book and did a podcast to rid myself of my demons,sorry I’m going on a bit now, but more and more young people are having strokes through drink has anyone had any experience of this? Also is there anybody out there who has an interest in these subjects and would maybe like to know more about my podcast and book.Sorry for going on.Hopefully I will hear from some people.


    Delbert well done for quitting the drink. I see one or two people think this may not be a truthful post, but, whether it is or not, it will have made a few people think tonight before they start their second bottle of wine. And…………I am a great believer in writing things down to rid your mind of them. Good luck!


    @minim wrote:

    Drinking……………and I don’t mean three or four pints or a few glasses of wine, I mean really dangerously heavy drinking .. is getting worse and worse amongst youngsters. The medical profession are very worried about the affects of it all.

    Not just the antisocial element. Though drink affects some people in aggressive ways.

    The damage done by alcohol in the public image largely centres upon the liver. However, the liver damage is so severe by the time it is noticed that there is often no way back.

    Other, less well known affects, include the ones Delbert has mentioned – plus, erectile dysfunction, muscle wasting, swollen and bleeding blood vessels in the stomach. Ascites which is water and bloating on the stomach. There is also such strain placed on the liver and the blood vessels around it that the kidneys can also fail as a result. People as young as 25 have almost irreversible cirrhosis of the liver.

    People also….fall out of windows and end up paralysed. Jump from heights and break bones. Crack their heads open on pavements. Walk in front of moving vehicles. Wake up with no memory of what they have done and later find out they have contracted an STD. And thats on the good nights. Oh… and i suspect they may even fall out of moving ambulances and end up brain damaged.

    And the old adage that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, in this case doesn’t hold true.

    As for Delbert’s podcast……….you don’t need a podcast, just go out into any town centre on a Friday or Saturday night and look about.

    Not to mention the middle aged women out on the razzle!!

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