This is the convo you offered to show me in the room Blossom? AFTER having just admitted to having been in chatting with a non ‘reg’ name???? And when I suggested you didn’t pm if you found them all to be disturbing you equated it to not feeling safe going out in a skirt? Are YOU for real??? I mean… seriously? I also noted that you only posted part of the pm again? And none of the chat in the main room in which you was man bashing for a change…
As for you initiating conversations based on people being name changers … the times you have PM’d me to ask – you have been spot on… however I am NOT a guy as you had assumed!!!!
Lastly… I have never hidden the fact that I change name – those I want to know I’m in the room … know :)
(I’m going to learn to type all feminine and shyte to save further confusion)