Insidiousness is my pet hate, (definition of ; corrupting. artful, cunning, wily, subtle, crafty.)
as well as the fact we Brits “Queue” patiently, since the influx of Europe its become a free-for-all,
My mate in Wimbledon was knocked flying recently, shes 70 years old diabetic partially deaf had a stroke and has cardio vascular disease, she had just missed a bus and so was first in the Queue, 15 mins later there were a good 10 people, no English speakers (and no I am not being Racist) she went to step onto the bus, was pushed sideways and went flying onto her hands and knees, the result of which was a trip in an Ambulance to A&E ordered by the bus driver, the mob that pushed her over seemed unperturbed, and actually complained that the bus was going to be late at their destination.
I Experienced similar in Australia, I was “Queueing” in a bakery when someone behind me pushed past me to be served first.
I know us Brits can be overly stiff upper lip but C’mon you can’t all be first .
I’m just curious… how did your partially deaf friend know who spoke what language in the queue? A whole 10 people all speaking at once? I can barely hear the person behind me talking and my bloody ears work fine!
And don’t even get me started on who said what on the bus….