Scep, Not unlike yourself, I have had some personal experience with a trans ‘male’. I babysat for him as a little boy. Always steered towards the toys/games that most would consider ‘girly’. He did interact with my sons well but was always putting make up on the girls, and himself. He always had feminine features and mannerisms. he was always a ‘diva’. I remember the day his Mum came to mine in tears, her boy wanted to be a girl. No shock to me at all. He was 17 at the time … She is now 24. Has had intensive therapy. Countless counselling sessions, had to present as and live as a female for 2.5 years. She started hormone treatment at 21, and has a date for her ‘op’ in January. She recently called by for a cuppa and to share her appointment news. I asked her if she had any doubts, now or ever? NO. I loved her as a him, I love her as she is and I hope that the op she has worked so very hard to attain will finally bring her the happiness and self love she has always deserved! It’s not my place to question or judge. Her choice, her body, her life!
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