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  • #489978

    Sorry I agree with Jen. I love my cat as much as anyone but she is so not allowed to sleep on the bed. Cats don’t shower every day, they lose their fur, and they don’t wipe their bottoms. Sorry, not on my bed thank you.


    I took my husband’s name , u just did in those pre-historic times. When I got a divorce after 35 years of marriage my ex actually told me I couldn’t keep his name. Lol. Well since I had had that name twice as long as I had had my maiden name, and it was the name of my children (well my son at least) I didn’t see why I should change.

    I never liked my maiden name anyway. I did think about creating a new name but my bank said they would only accept my maiden name and it started getting complicated so I just stayed with what I had, and it has the extra quality of irritating the ex lol.


    Reminds me of the solicitors we used in Harrogate, Titley Paver Crow. When u rang the receptionist would say, ‘Good morning, Titley’s’ – what a job.


    I once had to go out and call a customer’s name – Mr Willie. Has he heard of deed polls?


    I believe Thin may be banned but is around using someone else’s ID. Not that I care really.


    Happy Birthday Words, bring on the bus pass and the heating allowance, cheap seats at the theatre etc. It’s great.


    Many congratualtions Yvonne. Nothing nicer than being a grandma. He’s gorgeous xxxx


    Well done Coathanger. You rule the boards!


    Bang on Mr Sceptical. The reason for my post above.

    Racism needs to be adressed properly. It is allowed in the chat rooms here and has been disgustingly allowed on the boards many times. I say disgustingly on the boards, because it shamefully remains for all to read again and again.
    In the chat rooms when racism is abused I see many regs just sitting there quiet. It is not acceptable and leads the racist to believe he is speaking for the majority by their silence.
    Lets hope the others are brought to justice and the Lawrence family can have closure, without the feeling of failing their son.

    Well said, Chameleon. I see a lot of racist comments in chat and I challenge. Often I am alone in challenging and sometimes I am attacked for doing so. I won’t stop because as Chameleon says, silence appears to indicate consent. I have been told that it is ‘only an opinion’ or even that ‘everyone knows it’s true’. I have seen the damaging effects of racist ‘jokes’ and it can be heartbreaking. Small remarks and ‘jokes’ create the climate in which racism flourishes and grows until we get attacks like the Stephen Lawrence one and the recent one in Salford, which brought shame on the UK. The guides also need to take this more seriously.

    I believe that the majority of British people of whatever race, are decent and want to see the end to this hatred. I’m very happy today for the Lawrence family who have remained dignified throughout.’


    Hear hear

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