I have a mug with a golly on it. It’s just another mug. I bought it years ago because it reminded me of my childhood and the gollys on the side of jars of Robertson’s marmalade.
Although it was bought for nostalgic reasons, I’d never take it to work to use, mainly because of fear of offending others.
I do wonder however, if white people err on the side of caution unnecessarily. Is it white people who decide what black people would find offensive, or is it black people themselves? I often wonder.
My daughter had a black boyfriend a few years ago, he went to make a cup of tea and saw said mug in the cupboard. He brought it out and said ‘God, haven’t seen a golly in years’ and promptly used it then and each time afterwards. Was he offended by it? I don’t think so and no offence was intended.
The problem I think, is perception.