Forum Replies Created
11 September, 2015 at 4:20 pm #528736
Same shyte, different thread.
11 September, 2015 at 4:05 pm #528763Camilla won’t be queen, after all, Phil The Greek isn’t king.
As for Chuck, let him have a turn. God knows he’s waited long enough.
As for the monarchy in general: they don’t hold the mystique they used to. The younger generation have shown us how ‘normal’ they are…stripping at pool parties etc.
Can’t say I’m bothered about them one way or the other.
Mind you, they have a very cushy ride…money for old rope.
9 September, 2015 at 1:32 pm #522250An unexpected gift.
31 August, 2015 at 6:24 am #528384@laney Scot wrote:
Blooming stupid work rules, won’t let me go to my lifetime friends funeral because she isn’t family, Who are they to determine how strong a friendship is?:- absolutely fuming !!
I know you shouldn’t have to, but can you take a days holiday?
22 August, 2015 at 8:15 pm #522245@laney Scot wrote:
@moonshadow wrote:
@laney Scot wrote:
@moonshadow wrote:
Laney Scot following me on the boards. She has no idea what im on about but she still follows me.I suppose its better than not followed.
Being on boards sane time as you isn’t following you, and trust me you’d be the last person I’d follow, and 2. NOONE has any idea half the time what your on about because 99% of the time we need a translator, so don’t sell tickets on yourself little miss I’m pretending to be sober today ( we don’t believe you) cause no one would buy any …. You are POISON!! The lowest of the low SCUM!! Got it???? So if anyone’s got something to smile about its ME !! Cause you think I’d even consider following you, not even gonna smile about that, I’ll have a good laugh… :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:
Your a liar. You sniff after me all the time. Your frightened Mario and I fall in love because were quit capable, and you know it.This is one lil miss scum you want to be.
I have no sex to offer Mario, never had. We were emotionally involved, not sexually. By the time id met Mario I was nearly dead emotionally. We were friends and you took it like I was your arch enemy. You rubbed my nose in it, and I was broken hearted. I knew Mario didn’t love you or would be seen walking down the street with you for that matter. The fact you tried to hurt me made me bristle. I have never in my life tried to pretend I was sober. Then again iv never in my life pretended to be something im not.I haven’t had to.Wtf you calling a liar? Marino can’t stand you you idiot,tried to hurt you???? I wouldn’t waste my time , now I’ve had enough of you. , your obsessed with Mario, the only person that brings him into conversation is you!!! I’m in a very happy relationship, mario and I are nothing more than friends!!! Your a piece of scum jamie. Stop bringing me into your obsession , yr a fruitcake , you seriously need help !!! Your 1 horrible nasty vile piece of work !!!
22 August, 2015 at 8:03 pm #528349Mugs have to be white on the inside – none of your coloured insides thank you very much – makes your tea look ikky.
All of my mug handles point in the same direction like little soldiers saluting.
Don’t mind which way the loo roll falls as long as who used the last of the roll replaces it – something that I only seem to have the power to do.
Each time I leave the house, I tell myself my keys are in my bag as I’ve just put them there, but every time I have to stand at the open door and open my bag to have a look just in case the pixies have taken them out in the ten paces it’s taken me to reach the door….
Toothpaste must always be squeezed from the bottom and the lid replaced after use.
21 August, 2015 at 3:38 pm #527850This Thread Is Now Closed
21 August, 2015 at 3:18 pm #528175@laney Scot wrote:
@trapper wrote:
At least it’s an apology
And you you what I think of that particular one ….Funny how she wants to apologise to both of us… when knowing fine well Mario doesn’t use the boards……… Tell you what Moon… when Mario and I are in the room@ the same time, apologise to us then, :D
Unlikely to happen. He says he’s not coming back. (Again.)
20 August, 2015 at 5:52 pm #528190I think that’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen in ages! Well done Trapper for bringing a smile to our faces whilst all this rubbish continues. Let’s hope it dies a death soon.
20 August, 2015 at 5:50 pm #409144Tiresome.