@rogue trader wrote:
yes your royal bemness
i am profusely,deeply sorry,although i did say i did write it in august,with a couple of months beforehand for a bit of resarch,as you do like,but hey pardon me for attempting to write a thread
but woh it shall not deter me,i have had many knockbacks in threads,ive felt the deep dark days when ive wrote threads and ive felt the utter pain in my guts,and felt like tying a noose round my neck,when the dreaded o reply hits you,it stings man it makes you feel i cant carry on doing threads anymore no barstards interested in what im saying, ,,,,but wait
ive been a big fat niller guy,ive felt the anguish,the nervous waiting,the not sleeping uneasy wont go away emotion,trembles and fears,,the cold sweats,,as anybody replied to my thread….oh lord please let it be so,i will er do anything god mate
so listen milky mate 9 balls bud
keep the faith lads,keep writing those threads,you to bemused
you never know one day you might get a reply.
If I had a heart it would be bleeding right now.