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  • #1019005

    Has anyone unhappy with chat forum three tried one of the other two forums?

    May I ask when you last chatted in F3?




    For some reason, nearly every thread on here ends up with someone being unpleasant to another. I just don’t get it. Are people only happy when they’re getting one up on someone else?

    It’s a chat room! It’s not real life! I know for some their online life spills over to their real life and that’s fine – that’s your choice, but it’s getting to the point where you almost need to wear gang colours and pledge your allegiance to one faction or another. Say hello to one person, another will berate you for it. It really is beyond ridiculous. Get a grip!!

    Not everyone will get along with each other, that’s a given but why can’t people just be adult?

    If you don’t like someone, do what you’d do in life – just ignore them. Don’t show what an arse you are by constantly digging and goading, trying to get a reaction. The only person who looks an idiot is you.

    (The above goes for the boards too btw…. :wacko: )

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    I have to agree with most of the above. The chat (unless it’s being unpleasant about someone) is non existant of late, which is a real shame.

    I remember laughing my socks off at some of the conversations that went on – that seems to be a rare event now.

    It was never exclusive though, people would chip in and add to the mayhem, maybe even stir it up a bit but not in a bad way.

    The constant going on about name changers doesn’t help. So what if someone comes in using a different name each time? As long as they’re not there to abuse, who cares? I don’t.

    It’s all a bit of a shame really.



    Hello everyone. I would like to give the above medals too the ego maniacs in chat just so they can have something else to be egotistical about.

    Angela…you don’t chat in F3 anymore as you’ve said previously, yet you still go on and on about it.

    Not everyone who chats in there is an ‘ego maniac’, there are some nice people too.

    Time to move on maybe?


    Being greeted by my 2 year old granddaugter this morning standing at the bottom of the stairs with a big smile and a ‘hiya nana’.  No better way to start the day :heart:

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    Mary, Mungo and Midge

    Parsley and the Herb Garden

    Top Cat

    And of course….Wacky Races.


    What a fabulous clip!

    He was the guest on Desert Island Discs last week and came across as a thoroughly likeable man.

    So very sad to hear today that his 3 year old son, Noah has cancer.

    I wish him a speedy recovery and his parents the strength they’ll need at this most awful of times.



    She was on TV earlier this week and the presenter was asking about her shoes. They also asked her about her grandmother’s scone recipe….

    The day she took residence in Downing Street, they commented on the shoes she was wearing as she made her speech outside No 10.

    I’m not sure which channels you people watch, lol.

    One was BBC1 the other Sky news. Not sure if you’ve heard of either?


    She was on TV earlier this week and the presenter was asking about her shoes. They also asked her about her grandmother’s scone recipe….

    The day she took residence in Downing Street, they commented on the shoes she was wearing as she made her speech outside No 10.

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