the devil and the deep blue sea………..
forum boards, chatroom. we all use them thats why you’re reading this. it means youre here, your choice, because you can! and good on ya if thats what you want to do
does it really matter who has what how they got it and why?
does it really matter how long or how often someone uses the boards or the room?
should anyone feel bad or guilty for being here?
or for being a drinker, an abusive person, poor, wealthy, fit, ill, active, non active, disabled, ablebodied, a swimmer, runner,walker, golfer, footballer, pool player, game player.
i havent had a mother or father for a very long time, im an adult, i can do as i please, its my electricity, my broadband, my computer, i shall continue to do whatever i deem i want to. no one has the right to tell me otherwise unless i am breaking a site rule, or someone else is paying for my home, broadband and everything else.
some seem to think they can tell others that they shouldnt be here, be a pretty boring place on their own wouldnt it? i mean, theyd have no one to pick apart. so c’mon people of jc, lets have a cuppa and a giggle and leave the trolls out on the doorstep for 5 minutes and enjoy ourselves.
sucks to be them i say
Deary me.